LIST Bardzo prosze o sprawdzenie!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hello Alice!

I saw your advert on the page yahoo. So I write to you maybe I start of my performance myself. My name is Jo. I'm sixteen years old. I have got a straight fair blonde hair. I'm medium haightand I have got blueish eyes.
My family isn't too much. I live in flat with my mum, dad and sister. My sister is student of the first year Law???. Mymum is teacher of biologu and my dad is businessman.
I like listning to music for example U2. But the biggest my passion is travelling. I love getting to knot different place. But I haven't too much timefor my hobbies bacause I am in a new school and I go to extra activities history of art, Italian, , meetings travellers. But next term I will have extra dancing. My favourite subject is history, but I really hate maths. You must write me about yourself. I'm waiting with impatience for your letter.

A lot of kisses

...your advert on a yahoo page. (So I write to you maybe I start
of my performance myself- nie rozumie co tutaj masz na mysli - napisz to po polsku)
I have got a (dlaczego 'a'-to jest niepotrzebne) STRAIGHT blonde fair hair. I'm medium hEIGHT ...
(My family isn't too much-to zdanie pokrzywdza twoja rodzine - chyba masz na mysli 'My family isn't very large').
My sister is A FIRST YEAR STRUDENT OF LAW. My mum is teacher of biologY ...
I like listning (sprawdz jak to slowo sie pisze - ale napewno nie listning) to music for example U2. But (the biggest my passion - tutaj uzywasz 'the' kiedy jest niepotrz. 'my' powinno byc na poczatku zdania, po 'but' - bo przeciez o sobie mowisz) is travelling. I love getting to knot (napewno nie knot - to znaczy wiazac, wiezel - sprawdz co masz na mysli) different placeS.
...and I go FOR extra ctivities such as history of art, Italian, meetings 'travellers'-co to znaczy tutaj. But (czy masz na mysli 'but' czy cos innego) next term...
Lot of kisses (bez 'a')