Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
odpowiedz na pytania.
how did you spend the first day?
did you like your form tutor?
did you make any new friends?
were you scared before the first day?
what did you wear?

The first day of my primary school was very nice. I remember that I was exciting. I also remember that my first form utor was fat and shoet . She was around forty. I knew that she was very strict and demanding teacher. I liked my first form tutor because she was helpful. In the first day at primary school I didn't make new friendsin the first day we was shy. I scared before the first day because I didn't know children from my class but I wanted go to school. In the first day at primary school I was dress elegantly. i expect that I had white shirt, black trousers and black shoe.

Bradzo przoę o poprawienie błedów. Pilnie tego potrzebuję
ponawiam prosbe
>The first day of my primary school was very nice. I remember that I
>was excitED. I also remember that my first form Tutor was fat and
>shoRt . She was around forty. I knew that she was A very strict and
>demanding teacher. I liked my first form tutor because she was
>helpful. On the first day at primary school I didn't make new
>friends. On the first day we WERE shy. I WAS scared before the first day
>because I didn't know ANY children from my class but I wanted TO go to
>school. On the first day at primary school I was dressED elegantly. i
>GUESS that I had A white shirt, black trousers and black shoeS.
Jeden but - szczyt elegencji? Za moich czasów było inaczej.