mógłbys to przeczytać, tylko tyle

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam do ciebie wielką, prośbę mianowicie, chciałbym , żebyś przczytał poniższe sprawozdanie i w razie takiej potrzeby wskazał mi błędy, będe wdzięczny za każde uwagi, które pomogą mi ulepszyć moje zadanie, a oto one;
Thirty five year old Carolyn Jenkins, British photographer, was attacked by lion on safari in South Africa last week.
Carolyn was with 2 guides and students from the University of Kent. She’s would to do pictures dangerous animal. They admired views, when lion approached in jeep. She left jeep to take pictures, she got too close, lion attacked. Fortunately, the guides scared the lion away and took her to hospital
Since the accident, in this place has put South African Tourist Board which warn tourist not to approach wild animals while on safari.
Thirty-five-year-old Carolyn Jenkins, a British photographer, was
attacked by a lion on safari in the South Africa last week.
Carolyn was with two guides and (ilu???)students from the University of Kent.
She wanted to take some pictures of dangerous animals. They( dangerous animals?? raczej Caroline and her companions ) admired views, when
a lion approached their jeep. Caroline got out to take pictures of the lion, but she got too close and the lion attacked. Fortunately, the guides scared the lion away and took the woman to hospital.
Since the accident, in this place has put South African Tourist Board
which warn(s?) tourist not to approach wild animals while on safari. (----> kto co umieścił? :| )
Chwała ci za to, że prosisz o pomoc przed oddaniem pracki :P
>Mam do ciebie wielką, prośbę mianowicie, chciałbym , żebyś przczytał..

Kuk, masz konkretna osobe na mysli ?? Do kogo ta prosba?
Zanim ten ktos sie dowie, to moze tak wstepnie:

1. British photographer - a British photographer
2. by lion - by a lion
3. on safari - on a safari
4. She\'s would to do ..?? - Nie wiem jaki tu zamiar..
5. They admired views when.. - They were admiring the views when..
6. When the lion approached in jeep ;)) - lew podjechal jeep\'em? the lion approached the jeep
7. She left jeep ..- she left the jeep..
8. she got too close, lion attacked..- she got too close and the lion attacked..
9. to hospital - to a hospital
10. , in this place has put ..?? co chcesz powiedziec? Ze zalozono organizacje, ktora ostrzega turystow?? Nie mam tu pewnosci o co chodzi.

Moze tak bedzie ok (jesli nie odbiega zbytnio od Twojego planu)

A thirty five year old British Photographer, Carolyn Jenkins, was attacked by a lion on a safari in South Africa last week. She was with a group of students from the University of Kent and they were accompanied by two guides. Carolyn wanted a picture of a lion. While admiring the views they spotted one and Carolyn left the jeep to take a better picture. She got too close and the lion attacked her. Fortunately the guides scared the animal away and took the photographer to a hospital. This incident caused the authorities to establish The South African Tourist Board which now issues warnings against approaching wild animals by tourists on safaris.