2 czynności w przyszlości-pomozcie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam :-)
Pomozcie mi prosze w zrozumieniu pewnej kwestii zwiazanej z gramatyka
Otóz, czy zdania:
1. "I'll have eaten my sandwich before I will go to the cinema tomorrow"
2. "I 'll have visited my uncle before I will go to France"
sa poprawne?
Czy nalezy to rozumiec, ze (1 zdanie) najpierw będę jadł sniadanie a potem pojde do kina? Te dwie czynności sa w przyszłosci, czy to oznacza ze future perfect jest przed future simple?
Jezeli tak to jak sie to ma do tzw Time clauses? Wszystkie ksiazki podaja ze po slowach: "before, afer, as soon as, when, until, till" stosujemy present simple lub present perfect a nie future.
Jak to wszystko zrozumiec?
A moze powyzsze zdania sa niepoprawne i powinno byc:
1. "I'll eat my sandwich before I go to the cinema tomorrow"
2. "I 'll visit my uncle before I go to France"

jacek, poprawne wersje to:
1. I'll have eaten my sandwich before I go to the cinema tomorrow.
2. I'll have visited my uncle before I go to France.

jak rowniez twoje dalsze zdania:
>1. "I'll eat my sandwich before I go to the cinema tomorrow"
>2. "I'll visit my uncle before I go to France"

roznica pomiedzy powyzszymi zdniami jest po czesci wyjasniona przeze mnie w innym linku, ktory ci podaje:

"I'll have eaten my sandwich before I go to the cinema tomorrow."
"I'll have visited my uncle before I go to France."

mean the actions articulated by the verbs "eat" and "visit" will have happened (which means "will have finished") before some other actions happen or merely start happening.

Almost the same meaning can be expressed by
I'll eat my sandwich before...
I'll visit my uncle before...

The difference is much less prominence—or no prominence at all—given to the completion of the actions denoted by the main verbs "eat" and "visit."
Thanks a lot for your help:-)