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First of all I have to explain who is Patrick and who Michael is. Well Patrick is the novel’s narrator. Patrick is a good manner, tolerant and honest. He is a young man who after studies and fighting in World War I came to the New York City to learn the bond business. Michael is a self-made millionaire, making his money through bootlegging. He lives in Ney York, and after Patrick came to this city they started to be neighbors. The story of their friendship started when they meet each-other in to the party in Michael's garden. It was a very strange because when Patrick came to the party he didn’t know Michael and he meet him by coincidence. Before those strange started trough connections they meet next day- Michael came to the Patrick and helped him to organize meeting with Daisy-who was Patrick cosine. Patrick decided to help his new friend. Because he knows that Daisy was unhappy and that meeting will make her happier. Patrick was only one person who Michael was trust. He could tell him all his secrets. I think that in „ tytuł książki “we can see developed real and vary strong relationship. At the and off this book we can say that Patrick was only one real Michael’s friends because other people was only “party friends” and he wasn’t nobody important for them.

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First of all I have to explain who is Patrick and who is Michael. Patrick is the novel's narrator. He has a good manner, he is tolerant and honest. Patrick is a young man who after studies and fighting in World War came to the New York City to learn the bond business. Michael is a self-made millionaire, making his money through bootlegging. He lives in Ney York, and after Patrick arrivel to this city they became a neighbors. The story of their friendship started when they meet each-other on the party in Michael's garden. It was a very strange because when Patrick came to the party he didn't know Michael and he meet him by coincidence. Before those strange started trough connections they meet next day- Michael came to the Patrick and helped him to organize meeting with Daisy-who was Patrick’s cosine. Patrick decided to help him, because he knows that Daisy was unhappy and that meeting will make her happier. Patrick was only one person who Michael was trust. He could tell him all his secrets. I think that in " tytuł książki “we can see developed real and vary strong relationship. At the and off this book we can say that Patrick was only one real Michael's friends because other people was only “party friends" and he wasn't nobody important for them.


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CAE - sesja zimowa 2006