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I reminisce nicely my 14th birthday. We celebrated this occasion at 28th of May 2005 year. It was such a beautiful party, people were dancing and having a great time. I have received many wishes, then I feel joy and happiness, because my friends didn’t forgot about me and my 14th birthday. Party was located in my flat, I have invited many friends, to celebrate with me, my birthday. I’ve received many gifts, it was fantastic! I wanted to people had a great time, so I’ve done a “Karaoke Show”- there people were singing and laughing, because Karaoke wasn’t so easy competition, as they thought. Also guests could see a film about my live. There, I was illustrated from the childhood to present. It was a fantastic reason to refresh memoirs from childhood. I’ve done many fruit salads, and tasty food, It was a good idea, because invited guests were delighting about it. I think the party was wonderful. The most important thing from this “14th birthday” was feeling, that anyone from this party wasn’t leaving my flat sad.

Tekst napisany został samodzielnie, proszę jednak dla pewności o sprawdzenie gramatyczne i językowe.
I have great reminiscences of my 14th birthday.I celebrated it with my friends ON the 28th of May 2005.It was such a beautiful party, people were
dancing and having a great time.I received many wishes, and I
>FELT happy, because my friends didn't forget about my birthday. The party took place in my flat, I had invited many
>friends to celebrate my birthday with me. I received many gifts,
they were all fantastic!I wanted people to have a great time, so I organised a
Karaoke Show"- people were singing and laughing, because
Karaoke wasn't as easy as they had previously thought.My guests could aslo watch
a film about my LIFE. It showed me from my early childhood to present. It was a fantastic reason to refresh memories.I made many fruit salads, and tasty food, It was a good
idea, because my guests were delighting about it. I think the
party was wonderful. The most satysfying was fact that everybody left my party feeling great.

poprawilam jak moglam aczkolwiek nie gwarantuje ze jest 100% poprawnie
naduzywasz present perfect, kiedy mowimy o przeszlosci, o tym co juz sie wydarzylo, jest zakonczone wtedy uzywamy zwyklego past simple :)
oops wlasnie jeszcze cos zobaczylam

my guests were delighted nie delighting :)


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