czy takie zdanie jest poprawne ?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
First of all I have to explain who is Patrick and who is Michael.

A może tak ? Czy tak bedzie poprawnie ?

First of all I would like to explain who is Patrick and who is Michael.
>First of all I would like to explain who is Patrick and who is Michael.

Nie może być "who is Patrick/Michael", bo tak można napisać tylko w pytaniu, a to jest zdanie twierdzące. Poza tym po "first of all" postawiłabym przecinek.
>First of all I have to explain who is Patrick and who is Michael.

>First of all I would like to explain who is Patrick and who is
co YES? Yes poprawne? Nie, nie jest poprawne. Martunia wyjaśniła.
He could get away without the comma. The phrase before the main clause is short enough.

>Nie może być "who is Patrick/Michael", bo tak można napisać tylko w
>pytaniu, a to jest zdanie twierdzące.

You are wrong. You are misinforming people. Don't do that.
As a matter of fact, his version is better. Or perhaps the only one that ought to be taught.
Bull. Get a man.
wg mnie, powinno byc (i to jest poprawnie)
First of all I would like to explain who Patrick IS and who Michael IS.
Who is Patrick? to jest pytanie (jak Martunia juz napisala)
Who Patrick is - jest zdanie.
Please do not use expressions such as 'bull.. etc' when your opinion differs to people, who may just know better.
Doesn't omy sound to you like thegab? A cocky little man. Or two of them.
>A cocky little man.

hear, hear.

But I think the same. Reported questions with a wh-word and 'be' as the only verb do not have to follow the non-inverted word order. Especially when the subject is long, but that's another point.
>But I think the same.

So do I.
but as my opinion might be not worth much, I want to add:
Mr Swan thinks so as well.
Mam prośbe móglby ktos szybko napisać jak jest po angielsku : Oni potrafią śmiać się z siebie?

To dosc wazne. Z gory dzieki za odp.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


CAE - sesja zimowa 2006


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