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If I were the leader of my country, I would tell people to go in for sport. If this people exercise twice a week, they would be healthy. I think we need teach people than sport is the most important think for theirs body and self-feeling. I would give eat, people who are hungry, give house homeless, and find parents to orphans. In my country people wouldn’t pay tax.
Name this country is utopia.
Korekta jedynie bledow gramatycznych/ortograficznych (a nie stylistycznych):

for sport = for sportS
If this people excercise = If people excerciseD
need teach than sport is = need TO teach people THAT sports ARE
think = thinG
theirs body and self-feeling = their bodies and in general their well-being
give eat = give food to ALBO feed
give house homeless = give houses to homeless
name this country = THE name of this country
mkruczek, You\'ve got my vote.