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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Dear Bianka
Thank you very much for your letter. I am sorry that it has taken me so long to write to you. I have been very busy at school for the last 3 weeks.
I so happy that you`re coming to London in this holiday. I can`t wait to see you. You are planing to spend here two weeeks, but perhaps you will stay longer wit us. What do you say? I think that it would be hard for you to get to my house by yourself, so we will meet at the aiport.
I hope you will enjoyed yourself in London. Here are such a lot things to see and places to visit, so it`s not possible to get bored. You`re planning to go to museums and art galleries. I think the most impresing and worth of seeing is “Museum of Modern Art”. I sending you some photos of London and places wich I recommended. Maybe we`ll visit this places together.
Give our best wishes to your parents and family. Hope to here from you soon.

Best wishes

Dear Bianka, (musi byc przecinek, no chyba, ze piszesz maila)
Thank you very much for your letter. I am sorry that it has taken me so long to write to you. I have been very busy at school for the last 3 weeks.
I'M so happy that you`re coming to London ON this holiday. I can`t wait to see you. You are PLANNING to spend here two WEEKS, but perhaps you will stay longer WITH us. What do you say? I think that it would be hard for you to get to my house by yourself, so we will meet at the aiport.
I hope you will ENJOY yourself in London. Here, THERE are such a lot OF things to see and places to visit, so it`s not possible to get bored.
You`re planning to go to museums and art galleries. I think the most IMPRESSIVE and worth [] seeing is THE “Museum of Modern Art". I'M sending you some photos of London and places WHICH I'VE recommended. Maybe we`ll visit THESE places together.
PLEASE give our best wishes to your parents and family. Hope to HEAR from you soon.

a nie "it took me"?
...sorry it has taken...
...I am sorry that it has taken me so long to write to you...
...I am sorry that it took me so long to write to you...

Zdanie 1-sze jest blizsze osobie, ktora wyraza swoje ubolewanie, i ma tym samym mocniejszy charakter wypowiedzi; a z gramatycznego punktu widzenia - jezeli jakis stan/czynnosc nie mial/a miejsca od jakiegos czasu do chwili obecnej (w naszym przypadku do chwili pisania owego listu) - uzyjemy czasu Present Perfect
dziekuje bardzo
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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