Ja bym napisal 'certified', ale krotkie poszukiwania w sieci daly co najmniej 3 warianty:
The bill introduces a new motivational career system, comprised of four grades: junior teacher, contract teacher, appointed teacher and certified teacher.
zrodlo: www.rcie.lodz.pl/docs/Report2000.doc
This reform introduced a new career track for teachers in the form of the following four successive teaching posts through a merit-oriented promotion structure:
- trainee teacher (nauczyciel stażysta);
- contractual teacher (nauczyciel kontraktowy);
- appointed teacher (nauczyciel mianowany);
- chartered teacher (nauczyciel dyplomowany).
zrodlo: http://www.eurydice.org/ressources/eurydice/pdf/030DN/030_PL_EN.pdf
Currently there are four levels: "nauczyciel stazysta" (internship teacher), "nauczyciel kontraktowy" (contract teacher), "nauczyciel mianowany" (nominated teacher) and "nauczyciel dyplomowany" (diploma teacher).