... beard looked at us with suRprise.
Jess and 'me' (tutaj 'I') showed him ouR Scratch-and-Win tickets. He couldn't
believe IT. After that he registered our WIN. Jess won 'one tHousanD dollars and I hit the jackpot. One million dollars was mINE, but I 'cann't' (tutaj potrzeba couldn't) take this money OUT instantLY of course. We settled formalities and everyONE WAS in high spirits. 'Me and Jessica' (moze lepiej Jessica and I) 'were going' (went) on the street calmy and slowly when I 'catched' (CAUGHT - to jest czasow niereg.) sight (tutaj potrzeba ..of the fact)that 'on foot I had my rose slippers'-(zla kol. slow - I had my rose slippers on my feet). We roared with laughter and then we 'knowed' (KNEW-czas niereg) why the people looked 'back' (mozna at us).
We bought a great pizza and went to 'me' (nie, lepiej to my house/flat/home). My
parents were in 'the' (bez the) seventh heaven when we told 'him' (tutaj THEM-bo parents) our story.
..any more" - 'told my father' (nie, -albo said my father albo my father told me), and HE smiled joyfulLY. After A week in central TottoLotto Point 'was handed me the cheque' (-zla kol. slow - a cheque was handed to me).
I'm satisfied WITH the victory but I know..
Now we are more wealthy and I 'will' (will niepotr) intend TO USE the money FOR MY studies and FOR AN amazing tour with my parents and Jess. I know that I wouldn't have this withouT her. I bought the ticket becAuse of her. I know 'so' (that in order to win) you must try too.