"oddział firmy LICZĄCY 20 osób"

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hi there,

Znowu zwracam sie z prosba o pomoc w utworzeniu zdania.
Otoz, chcialbym napisac, ze pracowalam w odziale firmy, liczacym ok 20 osob.
O ile pierwsza czesc zdania jest prosta, o tyle nie wiem jakiego slowa uzyc, aby wyrazic liczebnosc tegoz oddzialu :)

pls, pomozcie :)
dziekuje jak zawsze i pozdrawiam
I worked in a department consisting of around 20 persons.
...20 people.
thx :)
20 persons is also correct. When you say 'people', you treat them (the workers) collectively. And here the meaning seems to be different. Some people claim, though, that it's just a difference between American English, being 'persons' and British English, being 'people'. Do some research and you'll certainly find that there has been, recently, some dispute over this issue.
>Do some research and you'll certainly find -
I certainly DID not write that 'persons' was incorrect - I just gave my suggestion, so there was really no need to attack me in this way. It would have been better to write...If you would care to do some.. If you were to do some...not... DO!. (a command which must be obeyed)
As you know, I am a speaker of BrE, so 'people' would be appropriate in my case.
As for doing research on the subject, I will certainly endeavour to do that.
Dera terri,

I'm sorry, but you must have misunderstood me. It's definitely not an attack! I simply do not have so much time to write long polite essays;), but it does not mean that I want to be impolite. I just confined myself to a few words; I try to be brief.

By the way, DO does not always describe "a command that must be obeyed". You can use it in emphasis as well; for example: "Do come in" or "Love me do". Here it certainly doesn't indicate any obligation.

Once again, I'm sorry. I must admit I have respect for all the people here and I never mean to insult anybody.

No damage done - you know how sensitive tall, slim, long-legged blondes can be.
I know:P
What's wrong with 20 persons?
Why is 20 people better than 20 persons?
Animals don't work in departments, do they?
20-person-department or department of 20 people
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.