A mother who doesn't want to get behind

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Hello, I am a person who is currently having a materinty leave and does not want to loose hmy linguistic skills. I've just discovered this page and I think it will help me.Being a mother is a great experience and gift but sometimes I get impression that I am getting behind. I mean I do not only look less appealing due to tiredness, but I also dont't have enouth time to focus on my education.I am afraid of forgetting my English.
Sorry for my spelling mistake - it should have been "maternity leave".
It really is nice of you to say that this website, or forum, will help you with maintaining your language skills. The question is, how are you going to keep yourself learning through it? I'm just asking out of curiosity, and waiting for a reply.
Well, I have just wanted to send quite a long fragment of my text, which took me some time to write, and I see that it dissapeared somehow.Now I am affraid that it can happen again.I wrote the text, pressed the button saying "send" and instead of seeing my text on forum it dissapeared.I will try again later.
So,answering to your question I havent't thougnt about specific sort of drilling yet.I saw some examples of it yesterday.One student was writing about his coming exams and other people, apart from getting in touch with him,corrected his spelling and punctuation mistakes.To my mind it does help.I wolud appreciate any suggestions. I am rather open-minded person and willing to talk about many subjects.To begin with I will give you some information about myself and my family.As you already know I am a mother of eleven-month old son, who makes me happy whenewer I look at him.We have been waiting for him for almost two years.I know that there are childless couples or the ones who waited much longer but for me it was eternity.My doctor told me that we are a healthy couple but sometimes it needs more time.He advised us not to think about a baby and try to take it easy.Easier said than done. I remember that I was wondering if I was pregnant almost every day. It soon become my obsession.Luckily, my husband was very supportive, but I remember days when I was dissapointed and cried.
Once I even thougth about adoption but it made my husband upset.He told me to be more patient and now I see that he was right.One shouldn't focus too much on his or her private desires.We must accept life as it is, otherwise we can only get frustrated.It is not worth reaching for someting we cannot get.One day when we accept the situation as it is we can get a surprise.Miracles do happen.After reading my text I realised that it sounds like a priest or teacher's speech but it's true and the sooner we understand that the better.
The better way to post new text on the forum is to write it first using another application such as, for example, notbook and then to paste it on the forum. I had a few times similar problem with my posts which disappeared after too long waiting to submit them...
>Miracles do happen

Well, I wish I could agree with you on that...

Having read your extremely personal information mostly concerning your maternity, I got impressed by the way you use your English language skills. And your attitude to life is really positive. I'm not going to ask how old you are, but I reckon that you've been through a lot of experiences throughout your life.
So, if you really want to drill your English, just come back here every time you get a notion to write and share your views with others.
hi Jolos

I am also a mother of an eleven-month-old boy. I'm a mother of two actually, the older one is almost three. You seem to be on some kind of 'extended maternity leave' as materninty leave ended when your child was 18 weeks. In GB they also use 'parental leave'. But it doesn't matter :)

I came back to work (am a high school teacher) once the m.leave was over, that was 5 months ago. Being a full time mother (especially when there are two kids involved, constantly absent father and a flat to look after) is not an easy job. To be honest, school was the place where I could relax and calm down a bit :-)

If you don't want to 'forget your linguistc skill' , apart from visiting this forum, you should read books in English, watch films with eng subtitles, you can even talk to your child in English :-) That will be beneficial for both of you :-)

Referring to your difficulty conceiving the baby, Ive once read that 15% - 20% of couples have that problem so you are not in the minority.
Yes, I am no longer on maternity leave as it really was a very short period.I have been on so called " child care leave" since autumn and soon I am going to extend it for another year.On the one hand, there are days I wish I were at work but on the other hand,nothing can be more valuable and revarding than a family.My baby discovers and learns someting new every day and I do't want to miss it.
During Christmas time I was singing him some English carols and he didn't mind that but when I started speaking English he lost his curiosity.I presume it was too early for him.However,I keep in mind a common view that the sooner a child starts learing a foreign language the better.My baby is very keen on listening to music so I am teaching him by this method at that stage.Maybe not teaching but simply getting him to get used to the Brithish sounds.
Sorry for my mistake.It ought to have been "getting him used to the British sounds".
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.