czy moglby ktos przetlumaczyc? (prosze)

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My favourite film is "What hides truth ?".I've seen it in the cinema.It's a crime thiller which stars Harrison Ford and Michale Pfeifer.The film is just over two hours long.Film action begins when some family is moving to a large house at the lake.Mary and Jack - mains characters , are good marriage , they have a douther , who has just gone to collage.All family enjoyed moving to a new place.But after two days in the house , there do strange things.The door opens , when Mary approaches it , even tough she did not want to open it.When she is in the house , pictures fell down.Everything becomes very strange to her , but husband thinks that she is mad and he makes on appointment for psychologist.But this meeting doesn't help her.Finally step by step Mary discovers this mystery.
Film has good finished , becouse all the time keep us in tension.It has very good actors staff and very good script.I think , that this film desenes on distinction.
>My favourite film is "What hides truth ?".
My favourite film is Robert Zemeckis's "What lies beneath".

>It's a crime thiller which stars Harrison Ford and Michale
It's a thriller which stars Harrison Ford and Michelle Pfeiffer.

>Film action begins when
>some family is moving to a large house at the lake.
The action of the film begins when a family are moving to a large house at a lake.

Mary and Jack -
>mains characters , are good marriage , they have a douther , who has
>just gone to collage.
Claire and Norman, the main characters, have had a good marriage, with a daughter who has just started college.

>All family enjoyed moving to a new place.
The whole family enjoys moving to the new place.

>after two days in the house , there do strange things
But after two days, some strange things begin to happen in the house.

The door opens ,
>when Mary approaches it , even tough she did not want to open it
A door opens when Claire approaches it, even though she doeasn't want to open it.

>she is in the house , pictures fell down.
When she is present in the house, pictures fall down off the walls.

but husband thinks that she is mad and he makes on
>appointment for psychologist.
...but her husband thinks that she's gone mad, and makes an appointment with a psychologist.

>step by step Mary discovers this mystery.
Finally, step by step, Claire discovers this mystery.

>Film has good finished , becouse all the time keep us in tension.It
>has very good actors staff and very good script.I think , that this
>film desenes on distinction.
The film has a happy ending; on top of that, it keeps a viewer in constant tension. It stars very good actors and the film's script is really interesting. I think that this film is worth seeing and deserves mention.
Mareczku -
tutaj tego nie robimy - dlaczego sa tutaj w watki o tym samym - i dwoje ludzi musi tracic swoj cenny czas zeby to sprawdzac. Jak jest 1 watek to i tak wszyscy zauwaza i poprawia.
Dzieciaczki, a przeczytaliście o co prosi autor tematu?

Przypuszczam, że marrreczek przepisał czyjąś recenzję i nie bardzo wiedząc co przepisuje, chce by mu to przetłumaczyć.

engee30, nie będę złośliwa. Nie skomentuję tego.
teraz przynajmniej ma dwie wersje do wyboru, i bol glowy, ktora wybrac - przeciez o to chodzi, nie?
>teraz przynajmniej ma dwie wersje do wyboru, i bol glowy, ktora
>wybrac - przeciez o to chodzi, nie?

Ale autor chciał ten tekst miec PRZETŁUMACZONY, co oznacza - chciał, by ktoś go napisał po POLSKU.
dobra spokojnie:] nie przejmujcie sie mna...:] jakos se poradzilem:) wielkie dzieki tym co prowbowali pomoc i pomogli:]
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.