prosze o sprawdznie krótkiego tekstu, dziękuje

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Living in the country or living in urban area What are the advantages and disadvantages. What would You prefer ??

First of all, It seems to me that living in the country and living in urban area are quit different, each of them has some advantages and disadvantages.
Firstly, Living in the city gives us more opportunities. We have good city transport in urban area, Underground helps us go easily from one district to another. In addition city offers us better education, and it is easier to find well-paid and interesting job. Furthermore Cinemas, theater, galleries and restaurants are located near one another, so we may spent there our leisure time. Moreover there are always better services than in the town or country. It gives us also better medicines care. Besides There are plenty of shops and department stores where we can buy everything easily and quickly.
On the other hand, Air in the city is polluted so heavy that many city-dwellers suffer from medical disorders. There is also heavy traffic, so big problem is noise . In addition In city center there are no parking places. Moreover living in city is dangerous, because of high crime rate, In urban area we are faced with frequent burglaries. City dwellers are afraid to go outside at night.
I’ve found a couple of advantages of living in he country. The air and water are clean. We can live peacefully without stress. Polish country is progressing, so everywhere are electricity and gas , living conditions are quite good.
The main disadvantage is the lack of health centre, shops, cinemas, sport facilities and good school. Furthermore in the country nobody is anonymous, everybody seems to know and gossip.
To sum up I think that our wellbeing doesn’t depend on place where we live but people who we spent our time.
First of all, it seems to me that living in the country and living in
urban area are quitE different, each of them has some advantages and
In addition THE city offers us better education, ...
Furthermore cinemas, theatre, galleries and restaurants are located near one
another, so we may spent 'there' (there na koncu zdania) our leisure time THERE. Moreover, there are always better services 'than'? in the town THAN IN THE country. 'It' (ale co?) gives us also better medicAL care. Besides, there are ..
...air in the city is 'polluted so heavy' (so heavily polluted) that many... There is also heavy traffic, so A big problem is THE noise. In addition in THE city centre (centre - BrE, center AmE) there are no parking 'places' (spaces). Moreover, living in THE city is dangerous, because of THE high crime rate. In AN urban area we are faced with frequent burglaries.
The air and water are 'clean' (moze lepiej cleaner).
Polish countrySIDE is progressing, so everywhere THERE are electricity and gas (connections) AND THE living conditions are quite good. facilities and A good school. Furthermore in the country nobody
is anonymous, everybody seems to know EACH OTHER and gossip.
To sum up I think that our wellbeing doesn't depend on place where we
live but ON people WITH whoM we spenD our time.


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