Passive voice- proszę o pomoc

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę o pomoc w przekształceniu zdań w passive voice. Moja sytuacja nie jest zbytnio ciekawa na koniec roku z j.angielskiego. Dlatego bardzo was wszystkich proszę o pomoc w tym zadaniu. Za pomoc w zadaniu bardzo dziękuję.

1. They didn't tell us.
2. How much pocket money do they give you?
3. The milkman brings the milk to my door.
4. People steal things from supermarkets every day.
5. The postman clears this box three time a day.
6. Dogs guard the warehouse.
7. The watchman called the police.
8. We kill and injure people on the roads every day.
9. Passengers leave all sorts of things in buses.
10. They invited Jack.
11. Tom Smith wrote the book and Brown and Co. published it.
12. Today, football ..................(play) on a pitch 100 meters by 64 meters.
13. The game is controlled by a referee, who ...............(help) by two linesman.
Niestety, nie widzę nigdzie twoich propozycji.
1. We weren't told.
2. How much pocket money are you given?
3. The milk is brought to my door by the milkman.
4. Things are stolen from supermarket every day.
5. This box is cleared by the postman 3 times a day.
6. The warehouse is guarded by dogs.
7. The police were called by the watchman.
8. People on roads are killed and injured every day.
9. All sorts of things are left by passengers in buses.
10. Jack was invited.
11. The book was written by Tom Smith and published by Brown ad Co.
12. Today, football is played on a pitch 100 meters by 64 meters.
13. The game is controlled by a referee who is helped by 2 linesman.
or, 2. How much pocket money is given to you?
4. Things are stolen from supermarkets every day.
8. People on the roads are killed and injured every day.
9. All sorts of things are left in buses by passengers.
13. The game is controlled by a referee, who is helped by two linesmen.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia