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Don\'t anger I just wanted to know who is best vocalist from this 6.

And remember people, that goes for best vocalist and not the favourite,

Who have the best voice ?

For example I really like voice Jim Morrison\'s but in comparison with other falls he is weakly

Be objective
Moje sugestie :
Don\'t anger I just wanted to know who is the best vocalist of those six.

Remember people who go for best vocalist and not the favourite( co to ma być ??????),

Who has the best voice ?

For example, I do really like Morrison\'s voice but in comparison with others he is not good enough.

Be objective
Cos takiego?

Don\'t get upset, it\'s just that I wanted to know who was the best vocalist out of the six. And remember, people, that it\'s about who is the best singer and not who is your favourite one. So, which one of them, has the best voice? I, for one, really like Jim Morrison\'s voice, but in all honesty, can\'t say he is better than all the others. So, please, try to be objective about your choice.
co za nick: Predatory Predilection

Predatory P.:
za duzo przecinków
at least 4 błedy
jestes ambitny to znajdz je
i nie poprawiaj prac bo wychodzi ci to żenująco
johndaclown: pokaz te cztery bledy (rozumiem, ze poza przecinkami)

Don\'t get upset, it\'s just that I wanted to know who was the best vocalist out of the six. And remember, people, that it\'s about who is the best singer and not who is your favourite one. So, which one of them, has the best voice? I, for one, really like Jim Morrison\'s voice, but in all honesty, can\'t say he is better than all the others. So, please, try to be objective about your choice.
>za duzo przecinków..

\".. one of them, has the..\"
wlaczajac sie do rozmowy :
mg: a czy napewno przed people powinien byc przecinek?
Ja tak sobie mysle, ze chyba nie, bo to nie jest zdanie wtracone( przynajmniej mi sie tak wydaje), a mysle ze moze pwoinno byc: And remember pople, that is....

Inaczej to to people to troche jakby ni z gruszki ni z pietruszki, ale moze sie myle. Co myslisz dear mg?
ja to bym to zdanie napisala tak:

And remember people, that it\'s about who is the best singer and not about who is your favourite one.

No chyba ze kompletnie nie zrozumialam o co autorowi chodzi...
ja to nawet bym ominela \"that\"
Don\'t get angry, I just wanted to know who is the best vocalist from among these six.
And remember people, this it\'s about who is the best singer and not about who is your favourite one. Who have the best voice ?
For example, I really like voice of Jim Morrison\'s but in comparison with
others, he isn\'t any better than they are. Try to be objective

That is my proposal but is still open toany legitimate criticizm of it or any improvement upon this draft. :)
prawda cebulka. To that jest dziwne... albo wsadzic \"this\" albo kompletnie wywalic....
a ja napieram i napieram :)

\"...And remember people, it\'s about...\"

\"..., this it\'s...\" mi nie pasuje...
alez oczywiscie cebulka teraz ja zabredzilam... :) co za dziwaczne \"this it\'s\" mi mi tam sie napisalo!!!

to musi byc albo this is...

ale masz racje nawet zgrabniej bez niczego czyli...\"And remember people, it\'s about\"

Respects i wiskars dla kota!
Ale \"remember people\" znaczy \"pamietaj ludzi\".
ciach! ciach!

\"But remember, it\'s....\"
dyć prawda mg.

Cebulka ladnie to poprawila.

\"But remember, it\'s....\"

a jesli sie juz chce wsadzic tam jakies personalne odniesienie to proponuje

But please guys remember.

albo starajac sie jeszcze emphasise wstawiajac DO dla emphasise
Guys DO remember.....

no bo tak dodatkowo to ja mysle, ze w ogole to \"people\" to jakies takie formalne w takim nieformalnym bablaniu o Morissonie
Ludzie pamietajcie... to polsku brzmi cool, a po ang raczej uzyja guys w tym przypadku zamiast people
...no chyba zalezy od kontekstu.... (i przecinka)
jak sie bezposrednio zwraca do kogos np. w przemowieniu to mozna sobie powiedziec \"...remember people/everybody,...\".
Pewnie jak by sie powiedzialo \"...remember people (who)...\" no to wtedy = \"pamietaj ludzi\"
Jak bedzie \"People, remeber ....\" = \"Ludzie, pamietajcie (o)...\", \"people remember\" = ludzie pamietaja
zgadza sie.
ja to przeczytalam j-e-d-n-a ksiazke i teraz szaleje i udaje madra....

chyba sie znowu zabiore za nauke... bo mi sie spodobalo :)
ja to uwazam,ze nigdy nie konczy sie nauki jezyka.Ja to nadal ucze sie polskiego, bo co rusz to jakies nowe wyrazenie znajde.....
np ja to o tym dresiarzu buhahahaha:)
\"pederastke\" zna?
OK. Mercedes. I don\'t want to beat a dead horse to death. This is just another translation taken very loosely:

Don\'t get all upset. I just wanted to know who was the best singer out of the six. And remeber folks, it\'s all about the best vocalist and not necessarily the top chart idol. Which one do you think has the best voice? Personally, I like Jim Morrison but I know he is not the most popular guy. So try to be as objective as possible with your choices.
tez swietnie!
Dla jeszcze lepszego udoskonalenia proponowalabym( jesli mozna, no offence): Which one, do you think, has the best voice?
\"do you think \" to zdanie wtracone.
Acz to tylko puristic detail and not a major problem of course......
cebulka, ja zawsze myslalam ze to byl only \"MALE related term\".........
a tylko 2 lata nie bylam w Polsce, a no patrz a to nowosci sie w miedzyczasie pojawiaja, jakze nowosci....
...no wiec \"pederastka\" to meska torebka, taka 10\"x5\" max. z petla przyczepiona do jednego rogu zeby lape w to wlozyc. Mozna albo taka torebka wtedy machac albo trzymac pod pacha. Urzadzenie to moze byc wykonane ze \"skaju\" (tansze modele) albo skory. Nie wiem czy mezczyzni w srednim wieku jeszcze uzywaja takich \"wynalazkow\" (w zeszlym roku, bawiac w Polsce widzialam pare takich torebek w uzyciu).
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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