holiday ;)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1.Proszę o sprawdzenie z dania: I was taking sea baths and walking along the coast.
2. Proszę o przetłumaczenie na angielski: wywoływanie fotografii.

Dziękuję za pomoc
1. To ma byc w American English czy British? Jezeli American to jest ok, w British mowimy have a bath zamiast take a bath. Co do coast - nie znam kontekstu, ale raczej coast uzywamy mowiac o jakims konkretnym wybrzezu, np. wybrzezu Hiszpanii... lepiej uzyc wyrazu shore.
2. wywołać zdjęcia - to get photos developed.
Example: I must get my holiday photos developed - Muszę wywołać moje zdjęcia z wakacji.
>w British mowimy 'have a bath' zamiast 'take a bath'

Kiedys, bylo tak ze byly roznice pomiedzy slowami ktore byly uzywane przez upper class 'take a bath' i lower class 'have a bath'. Troche ta struktura klasowa sie zmienila, ale zawsze cos pozostalo. Dla mnie to 'take a bath'.
To tak samo jak 'pudding' (upper) a 'sweet' (lower).
1. Chodzi o wybrzeże w Barcelonie :)
2. Proszę jeszcze o sprawdzenie: I promise that I will send the photos right after I developed them.
* I will send you the photos
>2. Proszę jeszcze o sprawdzenie: I promise that I will send the photos
>right after (= once) I (have) developed them (jezeli jestes fotografem)/I have got them developed.
"right after (= once)" once brzmi lepiej?

I promise that I will send you the photos (right after/once)I have got them developed.
>"right after (= once)" once brzmi lepiej?
nie wiem jak to sie stalo, ale wlasnie to mialem na mysli
Wielkie dzięki za pomoc.

I moje ostatnie pytanie, może ktos będzie miał siłę ^^

I would be interested in knowing how longlast the course and how many lessons per week include?
>I would be interested in knowing how long last the course and how many
>lessons per week include

troche przekombinowane, ale przejdzie w tej wersji
I would be interested in knowing how long the course lasts, and how many lessons per week are provided.

sprobuj moze tej prostej wersji
[I should like to know] how long the course lasts, and how many lessons per week are provided.
przekombinowane, bo potrzebuję do limitu słówek ;)

wielkie dzięki!
Witam serdecznie:)
Miałabym prosę, aby kotokolwiek pomógł mi sprawdzić ten list formalny byłabym baardzo wdzięczna , z góry dziękuje:)
Dear Mr Brown

My name is Sylwia Kotarka I am eighteen years old. I live in Częstochowa in Poland. I am writting to you in reference to studing at your univerity. I a graduate from high school in London and i have got great results. I want start to studing english language because i think that this language is very usefull now. My matura;s results were wery well (polish language 80%, english language 90%, history 100%)My english is very goog because i used to live in England. I would like to studing abroad because in future i wuould like to apply for teacher and second reason is that i will be earn a lots of money.
I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience.
Your faithfully
Jak zaczynamy list Dear Mr X - to generalnie konczymy Yours sincerely,
Juz naprawde nie mam sil do pisanie tego samego 'I' piszemy wielka litera i to zawsze.
...I am 18 years old.
I am wriTing to you 'in' WITH reference to studing at your univerSity.
I aM A Graduate from 'high school' (jaka? nazwe szkoly) in London and 'i' (juz o tym I nie bede bebnic - ale prosze zauwazyc, ze 'I' to piszemy wielka litera) have got 'great results' (np jakie - tutaj trzeba wymienic.) I want TO start 'to' (niepotr) stuDYING English language because 'i' (prosze - bo nie pogniewam) think that this language is very 'usefull' ortog) now. My Matura results were wery 'well' GOOD (Polish language 80%, English language 90%, History 100%)My English is very 'goog' GOOD because 'i' (co to znowu?) used to live in England. I would like to studY abroad because in THE future 'i' (prosze - nie rob tego) 'wuould' WOULD like to apply 'for teacher' (You apply to..BE A TEACHER) and THE second reason is that 'i' (prosze) 'will be' (WOULD LIKE TO) earn 'a' (NIEPOTR) lots of money.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie