prosze sprawdzcie...

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
-prosze pomozcie mi w poszczegolnych zdaniach:
-i have known her since we... student co to wstawic? were, were being czy cos jeszcze innego
-i'm afraid... dark at/of/to/inne
-ona jest podekscytowana przygotowaniami swiatecznymi, podekscytowana to bedzie interesting at/interested at/exciting a/ excited at
-on jest uzależniony narkotyków addicted with/addicted on/ addicted to/inne
-on jest dobry z matematyki, he is good at mathematics/ on mathematics/ to mathematics
-this is the man... car has stolen who/whose/whom/which

I have known her since we have been students.
I'm afraid of dark.
She's excited at...
He's addicted to...
He's good at Maths.
This is the man WHOSE car has been stolen.
of the dark
I have known her since we WERE students
I'm afraid of THE dark

reszta OK.
>I have known her since we WERE students

jesli nadal sa studentami to wersja by engee jest jak najbardziej poprawna.
wystarczy posluzyc sie polskim tlumaczeniem, aby zrozumiec te zagadnienie:
Znam ja odkad (od momentu, kiedy) bylismy studentami.
Znam ja odkad jestesmy studentami.
czy "since we were students" w jakimkolwiek kontekście jest poprawne?
nvm :)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.