Trust me I'm a teenager. plx help.

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„Trust me, I’m a Teenager.”

Reality TV shows have been on British Tv for many years, but a new reality show, Trust me I’m teenager is causing a sensation. In each programme three teenagers look at videos of real situations in a family’s life. They decide what’s going wrong, then they visit the family for fortnight as mentors. They try to solve the family’s problems and they make rules which the parents have to follow – all in front of the TV cameras.

The problem

The first family in this ordeal were the Nevilles, from north London, with their children aged 17, 14 and 12. The family’s normal way of trying to solve a problem is to shout at each other.

The solution

In last week’s programme, the teenage mentors, two girls and a boy, all aged 16 called the eldest son, Simon, ‘arrogant and lazy’, and criticised the way he watches TV for hours. They thought younger daughter, Georgia was ‘moody’, anfd told her to ‘stop whingeing all the time’. They made the youngest son, Jacob, the ‘head’ of the family and told everyone to listen to him. They told Mrs Neville, ‘You need to get out of the house more. Get a job!

Uncomfortable experience

‘It was uncomfortable experience’,
Says Mrs Neville, but it seems to have worked.
Simon has been much less aggressive since the programme and we haven’t had
A row for almost a week.’

Huge audiences

Since it started a month ago, the programme has had huge audiences, and there is a waiting list of families who want to take part.

At home.

1. What happens in Trust me I’m a teenager ?
2. Who are the mentors ?
3. How do the Nevilles handle family problems ?
4. Why is Simon a problem at home ?
5. How has the experience helped the family ?
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