? Błędy

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Czy może ktoś sprawdzić błędy?

Every year more and more people prefer using an alternative medicine. It starts popular from different causes. But is it the best way to protect myself?
One of advantage of using an alternative medicine is a lot of people can’t use normal medicine from different causes for example religion don’t allow their decide for transplants. A sprig of this medicine very fat has developed and offered wealthy different solutions how illnesses destroy. This medicine is close to nature. One of them like homeopathic use different herbs. The next advantage is that people should be open for development as very often it can help but on the other hand must be quite sceptical as we haven’t scientific proofs. It can be dangerous for our health and it isn’t enough for serious illness. Very often it is more expensive than natural methods and effects can’t us satisfied.
I think that the medicine alternative is good but it is very depends on person who using this method. Before people should search informations because it is good for their for example someone can be allergic.
Every year more and more people prefer using an alternative medicine (to what...lepiej napisz prefer using alternative medicines).
'It' (to znaczy co? uzywanie tego, czy mysl o tym?) starts BEING popular 'from' (tutaj niestety moje ulibione slowo 'because' OF) different causes.
But is it the best way to protect 'myself'? (dlaczego wczesniej mowisz o innych,'some people' a teraz odwracasz to na siebie 'myself'?
One of THE advantageS of using an alternative medicine is THAT a lot of people
can't use normal medicine 'from' BECAUSE OF different 'causes' (lepsze slowo REASONS) for example THEIR religion 'don't' (prosze tego nie uzywac w ten sposob, tutaj ma byc DOES NOT) allow 'their' (gram) (tutaj cos brakuje)'decide' (tutaj jest potrzebny rzeczownik) for transplants.
A 'sprig' (nie rozumiem tego pojecia) of this medicine 'very fat' (co?- tutaj cos innego) has developed and offered THE wealthy different solutions 'how' (cos tu nie tak) - illnesses destroy. (To cale zdanie jest niezrozumiale - napisz to po polsku - jak tlumaczysz to nie rob tego slowo w slowo- bo wyniki widzimy)
One of 'them' (ale o czym tutaj mowa - medicine?) 'like' (nie 'like' tylko 'such as') homeopathY useS different herbs.
The next 'advantage' (jaka to advantage-tutaj mowisz co ludzie maja robic) is that people should be open for 'development' (chyba advancement) as very often 'it' (to znaczy co? medicine czy advances in medicine?) can help (ale komu?),but on the other hand (ale kto?) must be quite sceptical as we haven't scientific proofs (ale czego- ze to dziala czy nie dziala).
It can be dangerous for our health and it 'isn't enough'(nie, ..it may not be suitable) for serious illnessES.
Very often it is more expensive than natural methods and
effects can't (brakuje czasownika - np leave) us satisfied.
I think that 'the' (niepotr) 'medicine alternative' (zla kol slow-alernative medicine) is good, (przecinek przed but) but it is very (very ale co?) AND IT depends on THE person who IS using this method. Before people (zrobia co? - ) THEY should search FOR 'informations' (information jest niepol - znaczy ze tylko uzywamy informatioN) 'because' (nie to slowo - uzyj tutaj WHETHER) it is good for their (for their what?) AS for example someone can be allergic.


CAE - sesja zimowa 2007


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