Prosze o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1. I'll visit you if the baby-sitter comes.
Unless the baby-sitter comes I will not visit you.

2. Let's try that new restaurant that's just been opened.
How about............................................?
How about trying that new restaurant that's just been opened.

3. It's a pity we didn't go to her funeral but we were on holiday then.
We wish.............................................................
We wish we had gone to her funeral but we were on holiday then.

4. "Don't make such a noise beacause the baby is sleeping", I told them.
I told them..........................................................
I told them not to make such a noise because the baby was sleeping.

5. How long is it since he started studying medicine?
When did you start studying medicine?

6. We will have to sell the house.
The house......................
The house must be sold.

7. Tony types more carefully than Peter.
Peter types less carefully than Tony.

8. He had no right to treat me so rudely.
He shouldn't..........................
He shouldn't have to treat me so rudely.

9. I feel like staying here for three more days.
I'd rather...................................

10. We are lucky to have Jackson. He is the best Maths teacher this shool (ever, have).....................
Odpowiedz jest: was ever had
a nie powinno byc czasem: we have ever had
5. How long is it since he started studying medicine?
When did HE start studying medicine?

6. We will have to sell the house.
The house will have to be sold.

8. He had no right to treat me so rudely.
He shouldn't have treated me so rudely.

9. I feel like staying here for three more days.
I'd rather stay here for 3 more days.

10. We are lucky to have Jackson. He is the best Maths teacher this shool has ever had.
Ale w 10 pytaniu mam podana odpowiedz "was ever had", a nie "has ever had" wiec pomylil sie autor tego zadania, czy powinno byc "was ever had", badz obie formy sa poprawne?
hmm... zdaje mi sie ze nie ma czegos takeigo jak "was ever had". moze autor popelnil blad. jakie jest dokladnie polecenie do tego zdania? trzeba je dokonczyc czy przksztalcic uzywajac jakiegos wyrazenia?
autor napewno popelnil blad. do glowy by mi nie przyszla taka konstrukcja
Polecenie do 10tego zadania jest nastepujace:
Supply the correct form of the verb in brackets.
wiec na pewno bedzie "has ever had", a w kluczu musi byc blad ;P
A jeszcze mam takie zdanie:
I...(travel)... more if I could afford it.
oraz odpowiedz
I would travel more if I could afford it.
Z czego wynika taka konstrukcja, bo nie wpadlabym na taka odpowiedz...
wynika to z II conditional'a. to taka uproszczona konstrukcja : IF + PAST Simple, Would + bezokoloicznik. jakie sa dokladnie zastosowania znajdziesz w dziale gramatyka :)
dziekuje Wam slicznie za szybkie odpowiedzi :)
w 7 moze byc rowniez:
Tony types more carefully than Peter.
Peter doesn't type as carefully as Tony (does).
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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