co to znaczy??

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
31-45 z 45
| następna
hey you guys here - just to let you know yet another thread just disappeared. well, well, well, someone is watching us........
Let\'s call Sylvai Browne or James Van Praagh - they WILL tell us who is doing this!
Kogo zawolac? POMOCY!!!
You wouldn\'t know \"buraczek\" because you are not here. Thaey are really good mediums - the ones that talk to spirits that crossed over.
Crossed over? aaaaah....dead people.
Like the ones from \"Sixth Sense\"?
Pamietam... nasze gminne kino kiedys nam ten film polecilo i bardzo mi sie podobal! Nieco \"spooki\".
You are not dumb at all. YES - spookie is right - just like this forum. :) :)
BTW caesura is a term used in music ( otherwise known as parallel lines - and in fact it\'s a lot more common than \"caesura\") when there is a change in tempo, also when you go from 3/4th to 4/4th or there is a small pause. Or something like that. What kind of idiot hits the students UP with words like \"CAESURA\"? Maybe he thinks he is a genius?

Anyway/s - to to wiem z samej gminy, moze i do gminy inni sie powinni zapisac tak samo?
i nawet mg tego nie wiedzial? no to mozliwe!
no to nic, ze nie wiedzial. Zaraz zostanie pochwalony za cos tak czy inaczej!
a pianino zafundowal nam sam proboszcz! ( God Bless Him!)
the same genius that writes Red Hot Chili Peppers lyrics and gives them to others for some no-brain exercise!
crx, zbysio, ghostie:

dobrze sie bawisz odpowiadając sam sobie?
Oh, here he is - and so who is throwing out the messages Lukar - or whatever YOUR name is?
you have compromised your own board by quite a bit,!
I think he is losing it slowly - he knows what we know and he knows he messes up with people\'s messages. too!
oh, yeah, you think these are the same people? And HOW would you know THAT, a board expert?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
31-45 z 45
| następna


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