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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I want to describe to you some one subject we. Please, to guess g what is it g.
It is most likely that scissors were invented in 1500 BC in Egipt .The earliest known scissors appeared in the Middle East 3,000 or 4,000 years ago. These were of the spring scissor type comprising two bronze blades connected at the handles by a thin, curved strip of bronze. This strip served to bring the blades together when squeezed and to pull them apart when released. ]
This is utilitarian article and hand s+wes+g. It has sixteen centimeter long we+g and six wide ss and the edge have seven centimeter g+we. In the end we+p it have g got handle g for fingers. Thumb I put in the left hole and third finger in the second hole ss. This grip is six centimeter g wide and nine long. It is perform ww for ww plastic and blue. Inside circle g is anti-skidding material so as to fingers we do not movie ww by work we.
The edges is ending keen top g+we. Theirs back g is smooth because ww you do not to g cut one’s finger. Moreover inside p+g part is very sharp. You must be careful. This part of subject g is wrought from a prime quality steel rustless . ww+wo In outside surface we is smooth and fair. In the end we+p blade is logo g √√ famous reputed ww factory Stanless Steel sp .Over this inscription to find subject which to join both part ss . The specialist called g this rivet .
They are l comfortable for using. It is excellent from work in school, home it is make using to cut hair. Ss+l Their main function is √ cut paper √ different shape g.
Through work thumb blade to set it in motion ss+l. Thank to help this blades cut different material. Ss+l They are working to small help we.This sp subject can be use to morder to kill some sp+we. You make open to tinned food ss+g when you do not have knife. Their also using in the surgery for example : cut bandage, gauze. They produce for people from people how write left hand.

jest zaznaczone co mam zle ale jakos nie potrafie tego poprawic...;(


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