Conditionals-zadania spr.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hej dostałem zadanie domowe z conditionals głównie 3 zrobiłem prawie całe ale nie jestem pewny czy dobrze dlatego prsze o pomoc.

Zad7 Use the cues to complete the conditional sentences. tu nie wiem czy would might could...
1 If I were you,i would have went to university (i/go to university)
2 if I read too long, My eyes usualy have went to red. (my eyes/usually/ go red.)
3 You wouldnt by able have went sailing with us (you/not be able\go sailing with us) if you get a holiday job in the summer.
4 if you spoke English and French,You might have bee able work at the Council of Europe(you/can work at the Council of Europe)
5 You wouldn't have got the job(you\not get the job) unless you have a driving license
6 if I go to bed early i normally have get up early too,...(I\normally\get up early too)
7...He would have studyed abroad (he\study\abroad)if he got a grant.
8 if the weather doesn't change, We woudn;t climbed to the top (we\not climb to the top)

Zad11Finish these sentences Then in paris discuss your answers with your partner
1If my family were millionares,I Will buy a lot of sports car.
2if i had been born in 1900, I might have bether live.
3Unless i finish university,I will surch job.
4if I was thirty now i woul have 2 children
5if i had gone to a primary school abron,i moght have meet a lot of new friends
6if i was of the opposite sex i would have boyfriends.

10 Rewrite these sentencese as conditionals.
1 I went to school in Mexico, where i learnt Spanish
2 Ididn't do any sport at school and i wasn't very fit when i graduate.
3 there were fewer school subjects in the past so pupils didn't have to lern so much.
4 my teacher were fantastic so i loved going to school
5the teachers didn't give us a lot of tests so we weren't afraid to go to school

Zad 9 complete these 3Con. sentences with the verbs in brackets in their corect forms.
(would,could might i ich formy przczące)
1 If the exam had not been (not be) so difficult.I would passed.
2if he had worked a little harder, he would have won (win) a scholarship to study abroad.
3I Woudn't had helped him with his maths if he hadn't promised to help me with my french
4if they hadn't studyed computing they couldn't had got such good jobs.
5If i had lerned Russian at school I might had understand (understand) what they were saying.
6i wouldn't need(not need) a holida job if i had won (win) a scholarship
7Where you would studyed (you study)if you had had (have)a choice?
Zad7 Use the cues to complete the conditional sentences. tu nie wiem czy would might could...
1 If I were you,I would go to university
2 If I read too long, my eyes usualy go red.
3 If you get a holiday job in the summer, you won't be able to go sailing with us.
4 If you speak English and French, you can work at the Council of Europe
5 You won't get the job unless you have a driving license.
6 if I go to bed early I normally get up early too.
7 He would have studied abroad if he hadn't got a grant (ale dostal ten grant i studiuje za granica
He won't study abroda if he doesn't get a grant (jesli nie dostanie grantu, nie bedzie studiowal za granica - przyszlosc)
8 if the weather doesn't change, we won't climb to the top

Zad11Finish these sentences Then in paris discuss your answers with your partner
1If my family were millionares,I would buy a lot of sport cars.
2if I had been born in 1900, I would have had better life.
3Unless I finish university,I will will not search for a job. (PROSZE SPRAWDZIC ORIGINAL BO ZDANIE NIE BARDZO MA SENS)
4if I was thirty now I would have 2 children - NIE BARDZO PASUJE
5if I had gone to a primary school abroad, I might/ would have meet a lot new friends
6if I were of the opposite sex I would have boyfriends. RACZEJ 3 OKRES WARUNKOWY CHYBA ZE KTOS CHCE ZMIENIC PLEC
If I had been of the opposite sex, I would have had boyfriends

10 Rewrite these sentencese as conditionals.
1 If I went to school in Mexico, I would learn Spanish
2 If I didn't do any sport at school and I wouldn't be very fit when I graduated.
3 If there had been fewer school subjects in the past, pupils woudn't have had to learn so much.
4 If my teacher were fantastic so I would love going to school
5If the teachers didn't give us a lot of tests so we woudn't be afraid to go to school

Zad 9 complete these 3Con. sentences with the verbs in brackets in their corect forms.
(would,could might i ich formy przczące)
1 If the exam had not been so difficult, I would have passed it.
2 If he had worked a little harder, he would have won a scholarship to study abroad.
3I Woudn't have had helped him with his maths if he hadn't promised to help me with my French
4if they hadn't studied computing they wouldn't have got such good jobs.
5If I had lerned Russian at school I might have understood (ALBO I would have been able to understand) what they were saying.
6 I wouldn't have needed a holiday job if I had won a scholarship
7 Where would have you studied f you had had a choice?
Dziękuję bardzo za pomoc :*


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