>1. Yesterday's news were really bad.
Yesterday's news was really bad.
(news to rzeczownik niepoliczalny, myli nas to 's' na koncu. The news is/was... podobny blad czesto tez widze ze slowem 'money', np. My money 'are' safe.. )
>2. I ate less eggs than you!
I ate fewer eggs than you!
(Znowu kwestia policzalnosci. "Less" uzywamy tylko do rzeczownikow niepoliczalnych. Do policzalnych uzywamy "fewer". Oba slowa znacza dokladnie to samo w jezyku polskim - "mniej".)
>3. He is exactly the same like his father.
Niestety nie widze bledu...
>4. Your accent is much different than mine.
Your accent is much different from mine.
(different from - dependent preposition)
>5. If I hadn't children, I'd travel more
If I didn't have children I'd travel more.
(czas przeszly od 'miec' to 'did not have', i przecinek tez byl raczej niepotrzebny po 'children' ale moze sie myle)