narkomani - sprawdzcie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Firstly people who take drugs are the victims of own greed and weakness. Can say, that they are the victims of own fate. Moreover, a drug addicts are people credulous who permit oneself to manipulate. They are so easy loot for dealers who promise them life without stress. The drug addicts be not able to oneself help. They need professional help different people. Introducing punishment for possession drugs, we will not solve the problem of drug habit. Doing criminals from young people, which tasted drugs is pointless. We should punish dealers and not their victims. Dealers should go to prison, not drug addicts.
Firstly people who take drugs are OFTEN victims of THEIR own greed and weakness. ONE can say that they are the victims of THEIR own fate. Moreover, drug addicts are people (credulous-przymiotnik idzie przed rzeczownikiem: moze lepiej gullible ) who permit THEMSELVES to BE manipulateD. They are easy TARGETS for dealers who promise them A life without stress. Drug addicts MAY NOT be able to help THEMSELVES. They need professional help FROM different people. Introducing punishment for the possession OF drugs, will not solve the problem of drug USE. MAKING criminals OF young people, THAT EXPERIMENT WITH drugs is pointless. We should punish dealers and not their victims. Dealers should go to prison, not drug addicts.
>>>Firstly people who take drugs are often victims of their own greed
and weakness.
Nie lubie tego co napisales. Niekiedy, ludzie pragna probowac czegos, co jest im zakazane. Czy tak samo bedziemy mowic o tych co pala papierosy albo pija piwo?. Kazdy chce sprobowac - nie wszyscy koncza jako addicts.


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Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie