>\"obowiązek podatkowy\" - to fall under tax regulations / something is tax
imposed/ obligatory tax.
\"zobowiazanie podatkowe\"? - tax obligation
>Ordynacja podatkowa ...tax laws, tax rules and regulations.
>A co z takimi terminami jak :
>\"dochody\" i \"przychody\", w rozumieniu ust. o podatku dochodowym od
>Slowniki podają zarówno \"revenues\", jak i \"incomes\", bez zbytniego
>wchodzenia w
>szczegoly, a to jednak istotna roznica..
Income tax forms is what we fill out every year. Income tax applies to individual people, revenues are incomes that a business or government receives regularly, or an amount representing such income ( Cambridge dictionary), the gross income returned by an investment/larger income.
a single person or a group can also produce a revenue if the business is very successful and brings in a huge profit.
Money that the government receives from business and individual tax payers is always called revenue.