in/to , perfect

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

Mam pytanie dlaczego w zdaniu The last time I was in Prague was in 1986. jest IN, a w zdaniu I haven't been to Prague since.. jest TO ???

I teraz drugie pytanie:

This will be the team's first match outside England. Ja zamieniłam na this will be the first time the team play outside england.

A powinno być the team HAS PLAYED - why ????

Będę bardzo wdzięczna za odpowiedź :)
re. 2 pytania. Zapraszam na:
prosta sprawa: it's the first/second/etc time...are followed by the present perfect simple
When Your trip involves VISITING a few cities, instead of saying: I'been visiting Prague, Berlin and Warsaw, you could say: I've been to....
When you have stayed in one location for a little longer, You could say: I've been in...
I haven't been to OR in...hmmm, I think both are correct, although "to" just fits better.
"your" piszemy zawsze małą literą, chyba że to poezja albo np. zwrot do Boga.

>When you have stayed in one location for a little longer, You could
>say: I've been in...
Care to provide any reliable source?
No dobrze hehe "for a little longer" :P ale ja miałam transformację w ćwiczeniu więc zdanie odnosiło się do tego samego czasu , no i na tej stronie nie zrozumiałam różnicy pomiędzy last year, a in the last year :D

Should I give up? :D
...was in Prague - bylem w Pradze
...have been to Prague - bylem w Pradze (czytaj pojechalem do i wrocilem z Pragi; tutaj 'have been' jest forma perfekcyjna czasownika 'go')
...have been in Prague - jestem w Pradze (+ okolicznik czasu, np. od dwoch miesiecy)
Czyli I'm going TO Prague -> I have been TO Prague. To ma sens,

tylko dlaczego w takim razie miałabym wiedzieć, że z The last time I was in Prague was in...mam zamienić na I haven't been to Prague a nie na I haven't been IN Prague ?? Jeżeli nie chcę mówić, że pojechałam, tylko, że byłam ???

Chodzi mi tylko o to, że jeżeli miałabym wyjaśnić to w ten sposób to zdanie wyjściowe powinno być I went to Prague in 1986.

Chyba, że the last time I was... też jest od czasownika "to go" hmm dziwne
>Chodzi mi tylko o to, że jeżeli miałabym wyjaśnić to w ten sposób to
>zdanie wyjściowe powinno być I went to Prague in 1986.

The last time I was in Prague was in 1986.
The last time I went to Prague was in 1986.

oba zdania mowia nam, iz ostatni raz bylas w Pradze (czyli pojechalas do Pragi) w 1986 - innymi slowy, to, ze tam bylas logicznie ujmujac oznacza rowniez, ze tam pojechalas

natomiast w przypadku, gdy uzywasz czasu perfekt, aby podkreslic, ze tam bylas (i logicznie ujmujac - juz wrocilas), uzywasz przedimka 'to' + miejsce (w takim wypadku forma 'have been' jest forma perfekcyjna czasownika 'go')

natomiast 'in' + miejsce z uzyciem czasu perfekt oznacza, ze jestes nadal w miejscu, o ktorym mowa (w takim wypadku forma 'have been' jest forma perfekcyjna czasownika 'be')

jezeli chcialabys powiedziec (przy uzyciu czasu perfekt), iz ktos pojechal gdzies, i jeszcze stamtad nie wrocil, powiesz:
She has gone to Prague.
>Mam pytanie dlaczego w zdaniu The last time I was in Prague was in
>1986. jest IN, a w zdaniu I haven't been to Prague since.. jest TO

"The last time I was in Prague was in 1986" means "The last time I spent time in Prague was in 1986."

"I haven't been to Prague since.. " means "I haven't visited Prague since.. "

>I teraz drugie pytanie:
>This will be the team's first match outside England. Ja zamieniłam na
>this will be the first time the team play outside england.
>A powinno być the team HAS PLAYED - why ????

"This will be the first time the team has played outside England" means "This will be the first time the team will have played outside England". But you don't need "will" in "will have played..." The first "will"—the one in "this will be the first time..."—makes the rest of the sentence about a future event, as if it got infected with futurity of the first "will." the first "will."
>prosta sprawa: it's the first/second/etc time...are followed by the
>present perfect simple

It's the first time I am going to roast a pig this coming weekend.
Lo and behold, there is no present perfect in it. How come?
>No dobrze hehe "for a little longer" :P ale ja miałam transformację w
>ćwiczeniu więc zdanie odnosiło się do tego samego czasu
>, no i na tej stronie nie zrozumiałam różnicy pomiędzy
>last year, a in the last year :D
>Should I give up? :D

What don't you understand?
"The last year" means "the past year." Actually "the last year" should be "the past year."
Wait a minute. Take a deep breath and start from the beginning: What's the question?
Askerko to proste jest :)

have been to Prague = byłem, ale już nie jestem
was in Prague in 1988 - pojechałem w 1988 r. (czyli ten ostatni raz kiedy tam byłaś był w 1988 :)


a faktycznie po first/second/last time idzie forma present perfect
>What's the question?
What's the difference, if any, between 'have been to Prague', 'have been in Prague' and 'was in Prague'?
>"This will be the first time the team has played outside England"
>means "This will be the first time the team will have played outside
>England". But you don't need "will" in "will have played..." The first
>"will"—the one in "this will be the first time..."—makes
>the rest of the sentence about a future event, as if it got infected
>with futurity of the first "will."

This is the first time I totally agree with you, janek :)
Devil is in the detail.

Anyway, thank you all for your reponses./ (I know the expression "last year" hehe what I meant was the explanation of this on the given website which says that there is a difference between "last year" and "in the last year" which I didn't get.)

I will remember that when treating a visit as an experience I use Present Perfect followed by "to" because here it derives form the verb "to go", hopefully it will be enough :), and "I was in" or "I went to" :)

And I assume that I cannot ever use I have been in Prague than...

If I'm wrong I just don't want to know about it :D
I have been in - że nadal jestem , sorry :) double thought :P
I mean second...
>Devil is in the detail.

The devil is in the detail.
>Anyway, thank you all [I thank all of you/thanks to all of you] for your reponses./ (I know the expression "last
>year" hehe what I meant was the explanation of this on the given
>website which says that there is a difference between "last year" and
>"in the last year" which I didn't get.)

"In the last" year tries to mean "in the past year."

>I will remember that when treating a visit as an experience I use
>Present Perfect followed by "to"

I have been in those places many times. Which does not mean you have not been to those places.

because here it derives form the verb
>"to go",

No. It does not derive from "go."

hopefully it will be enough :), and "I was in" or "I went
>to" :)
>And I assume that I cannot ever use I have been in Prague than...

Yes, you can.

>If I'm wrong I just don't want to know about it :D

Tough cookies.

What about the "the first time" thing?
I have been in London many times before. I am not in London now.
I have been to London many times before. I am not in London now.
temat jest tak pogmatwany, ze szkoda tracic na niego czasu:

The last time I was in Prague was in 1986.->I haven't been to Prague since..

Thank you for this link ! It is the exact answer to my question :] I am not in Prague anymore so "I was in"- with the precise point in time and " haven't been to" - with Perfect...if I would be in Prague now then I use " I have been in Prague"....

and "it will be the first time the team has played" - I understand that there is not need to repeat WILL before "has played", that is why this form is used.

Chyba nie potrzeba więcej wyjaśnień :)

I nie sądzę, żeby ten temat był aż tak zagmatwany,po prostu chciałam wiedzieć, jak wytłumaczyć komuś, że chociaż IN to znaczy "w"i jest tak uzywane w past simple, tutaj zamieniamy na TO :)

pozdrawiam and thx for your patience
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Studia językowe