Present Continuous - nietypowo

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy ktoś mógłby mi wytłumaczyć, dlaczego w poniższych zdaniach użyto Present Continuous?

* I don't think their marriage will last long. They're continually quarrelling.
* We have an arrangement: if we're speaking Russian, he can say 'Pour me some tea'...
* I don't think their marriage will last long. They're continually quarrelling.
robią to często a Tobie sie to nie podoba. Poczytaj o uzyciu always z present continuous

* We have an arrangement: if we're speaking Russian, he can say 'Pour me some tea'...
jezeli w danej chwili rozmawiamy po rosyjsku
>* We have an arrangement: if we're speaking Russian, he can say 'Pour
>me some tea'...
>jezeli w danej chwili rozmawiamy po rosyjsku

Takie użycie wydaje mi się dziwne, bo przecież mowa jest o ogólnym uzgodnieniu, które obowiązuje zawsze
Nadal nie bardzo rozumiem...
możesz zastąpić to 'if' 'when'
to nie jest typowy conditional, to jest 0 conditional
mówienie po rosyjsku zdarza się im od czasu do czasu. Present Continuous znaczy 'w chwilach, kiedy to się dzieje'
They're continually quarrelling.-użyto present continuous, bo to jest krytyka. Jak coś Cię wkurza w kimś to używasz tego czasu.
I would use: They have been continually quarreling... because Your example does not follow the rule: The action may not be happening exactly now, but it is happening just before and just after now, and it is not permanent or habitual.
there are more rules.
and there is more to grammar than rules
Wisenheimer One:
robią to często a Tobie sie to nie podoba. Poczytaj o uzyciu always z present

Wisenheimer Two:
They're continually quarrelling.-użyto present continuous, bo to jest krytyka. Jak coś Cię wkurza w kimś to używasz tego czasu.

I am always doing something. I am always reading when I have a moment to spare.
I am always working when I am at home.
I am not complaining. Actually I am never complaining. How come?
>I would use: They have been continually quarreling... because Your
>example does not follow the rule: The action may not be happening
>exactly now, but it is happening just before and just after now, and
>it is not permanent or habitual.

What are you trying to say?
>I am not complaining. Actually I am never complaining. How come?

You're probably not Polish.
1. What is your interpretation of "I am always reading" without the 'when'-clause?
2. So, do your examples contradict my interpretation ?
3. No, you never complain. You're too busy turning your sulkiness into aggression. Well, good for you. Some people use particular liquids, powders or dried plants to achieve the same. Yours is a healthier way, healthier for us too as we laugh our uneducated arses off seeing how you can't get an argument across without being obnoxious.
Poczytaj o uzyciu always z present continuous?
Marriage is on the rocks and the person thinks, they'll split up. Gdzie jest mowa o wkurzaniu, nie podobaniu sie lub krytyce?
Zgadzam sie z mq: I never complain. a nie: I'm never complaining.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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