Jak powiedzieć

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Jak powiedzieć
Namawiał żeby zrobili z nim porządek.
He advised them to zap him
Poradzili im żeby go sprzątnąć ? Just like this, with no extenuation in mind ? What an atrocious brutality. Unless he’s a tipster and they’re a bunch of goodfellas. :)

”Advise” is too formal in relation to “zap” I think and isn’t accurate enough to the asker’s “namawiał” to boot.
Depending on your context :
He talked them into taming the guy. He persuaded them to take someone down a peg/put the squeeze on.. He was cramming down their throats to fix the snot.:) More formal: He induced them to call the chairman to order.(and do him in after the meeting.? :)
That's a good one , thugs' talk :
Isn't he the dude on the trial for zapping the undercover cop?
Czy ten gość nie ma procesu za rozwalenie tego tajniaka.
Bad boys :)
...talked into doin' him in...
"talked" asks for the pronoun to be followed here I think. He talked them into snuffing/whacking the frog. :)
He was talked into doin' him in.
Indeed unless you switch to passive ,which again wouldn’t be close enough to the original meaning of the asker’s sentence where “they” are actually those who were talked into by “him” into taking down another ”him”. Whatever the case the guy is probably wearing a pair of nice pine pajamas and checked in for good in the local bone orchard. :)
He persuaded them to zap him.

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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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