Pomóżcie proszę...ledwie 3 znania....

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
czy te zdania są poprawne gramatycznie (nie chodzi mi o błędy ort. lecz gramatykę.)?

I was wondering what's inside, because i had forgoten what kind of data it contain.

Holidays was awesome, african heat, sea, palms, sand who had been so warm you couldn't step in by bare foot.

People there were nice with sence of humour and good manners, to be onest i haven't met puschy one's who had been rude to me and my girlfriend.
wydaje mi się, że w drugim jest źle
sand who had been/ sand that had been / sand wchich(ale to tak polish/english) had been.

w 3 zjadałeś "h" => "to be honest"
w trzecim zdaniu jeszcze "sense" a nie "sence" ;)


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