
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1. The fax wasn't very easy to read. I couldn't ______ what you had written.
a. put out
b. make out
c. set out
2. Your report is very clear and easy to understand. You ______ all the options really clearly.
a. put out
b. set out
c. make out
3. She seemed none too pleased that you were absent. In fact she looked really ______ .
a. put out
b. stay out
c. sort out
4. It was a really difficult problem which took a long time to ______ .
a. make out
b. sort out
c. step out
5. Check this spreadsheet really carefully and ______ for any mistakes I may have made.a.
a. put out
b. look out
c. stay out
6. You cannot see it very well on the screen, can you? Why don't I ______ copies for everybody?
a. buy out
b. step out
c. print out
7. The managers intend to ______ the previous owner and run the company themselves.
a. make out
b. buy out
c. set out
8. This is a brand new product that we plan to ______ next month.
a. make out
b. set out
c. bring out
9. I tried to keep a straight face but I couldn't. I ______ laughing
a. set out
b. burst out
c. sort out
10. Japan is currently such a high risk market that we plan to ______ of it completely.
a. sort out
b. stay out
c. set out
11. They were whispering and I couldn't quite ______ what they were saying.
a. make out
b. put out
c. step out
12. We intend to ______ a new version early next year.
a. buy out
b. make out
c. bring out
13. The best thing we ever did was to ______ our partner.
a. stay out
b. buy out
c. step out
14. I tried to soften the blow of her redundancy but she ______ crying and I couldn't stop her.
a. put out
b. burst out
c. sort out
15. He doesn't agree and he has ______ his objections in this letter.
a. look out
b. set out
c. make out
16. I was somewhat ______ to find that people were talking during my presentation.
a. set out
b. make out
c. put out
17. They have been on strike for a week so far and plan to ______ until their demands are met.
a. put out
b. stay out
c. set out
18. It took me six months to ______ the good workers from the bad workers.
a. sort out
b. put out
c. set out
19. I haven't achieved what I ______ to do.
a. look out
b. buy out
c. set out
20. ______ ! The boss is coming round and he's on the warpath.
a. make out
b. set out
c. look out
no a czemu nie zrobisz sam i nie poprosisz o sprawdzenie???
ja jednak w takim razie wole pozostac przy swojej normalnej szerokosci.
sorki za zamieszanie ale pomylilo mi sie pole tamat z loginem w fromularzu. Nie za abrdzo wiem jak to rozwiazac, usiadlam ze slownikiem i odpowiedzi które znalazłam to:
20 c
wiem ze tego nie duze, ale reszty narzie nie moge znalezc, pewnie slownik mama do kitu. jakbyscie wiedzili inne odpowiedzi prosze o dajcie znac
np. nigdzie ni moge znaleźc co znaczy sort out lub step out - prosze oto przyklad co od razu mi wyskoczylo :
sort out

v 1: arrange or order by classes or categories; "How would you classify these pottery shards--are they prehistoric?" [syn: classify, class, sort, assort, separate] 2: make free from confusion or ambiguity; make clear; "Could you clarify these remarks?"; "Clear up the question of who is at fault" [syn: clear, clear up, shed light on, crystallize, crystallise, crystalize, crystalise, straighten out, enlighten, illuminate, elucidate] 3: punish in order to gain control or enforce obedience; "The teacher disciplined the pupils rather frequently" [syn: discipline, correct]

Wiec proponuje uzywanie googla :-) Ja mam caly czas wlaczony np :-)
I made these exercises but i want to know the answers, if possible! :-) could someone help?

ps. I can't understand nothing you're saying, i just know speak in english...! I found this site surfing on the internet. Could you put the answers in english? THANKS!
THANKS again.
1. The fax wasn't very easy to read. I couldn't ______ what you had written.
b. make out

2. Your report is very clear and easy to understand. You ______ all the options really clearly.
b. set out

3. She seemed none too pleased that you were absent. In fact she looked really ______ .
a. put out

4. It was a really difficult problem which took a long time to ______ .
b. sort out

5. Check this spreadsheet really carefully and ______ for any mistakes I may have made.
b. look out

6. You cannot see it very well on the screen, can you? Why don't I ______ copies for everybody?
c. print out

7. The managers intend to ______ the previous owner and run the company themselves.
b. buy out

8. This is a brand new product that we plan to ______ next month.
c. bring out

9. I tried to keep a straight face but I couldn't. I ______ laughing
b. burst out

10. Japan is currently such a high risk market that we plan to ______ of it completely.
b. stay out

11. They were whispering and I couldn't quite ______ what they were saying.
a. make out

12. We intend to ______ a new version early next year.
c. bring out

13. The best thing we ever did was to ______ our partner.
b. buy out

14. I tried to soften the blow of her redundancy but she ______ crying and I couldn't stop her.
b. burst out

15. He doesn't agree and he has ______ his objections in this letter.
b. set out

16. I was somewhat ______ to find that people were talking during my presentation.
c. put out

17. They have been on strike for a week so far and plan to ______ until their demands are met.
b. stay out

18. It took me six months to ______ the good workers from the bad workers.
a. sort out

19. I haven't achieved what I ______ to do.
c. set out

20. ______ ! The boss is coming round and he's on the warpath.
c. look out

Here are the answers, Brazilian mate... Cheers. :-)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.