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Two years ago mine friend left to london.She wanted to start a new life,but she could not find a job.In the end she managed to fine a job.The work was crummy,she washed dishes in the restaurant she wasn`t happy but she laboured.After a few weeks her menager gave her chances,she sent her for the training and for the course in the english.After completed course she got proposals on the positiion of a departament menager addd the work.Them she found the new flat where she was happy.England became the new hause for her.Sometimes she is frequenting family in Poland.I`m running to her of every summer.Certainy it isn`t easy to start anew in the new country,but in her case it was wortwhile.
nie podobaly Ci sie moje poprawki????

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What are you still doing here? I'd be at Pearson already :)
ok sorki chciałam się tylko upewnić.Poco te nerwy:)dzięki za pomoc
Heading to the airport at 3 pm.
Couldn't stay away and miss all the fun.
Our psycho-babble "friend" seems to be acting up.
I asked the admin folks to delete his recent post
England became her new home.
sam masz prblemy z pszychiką,a jeżeli jesteś tu żeby się z ludzi wyśmiewać to czuj się spełniony.dupek
kate: Przepraszam, zle mnie zrozumialas.
Na innym watku siedzial "trol" i bardzo brzydkie slowa uzywal.
Kierowal swoje komentarze do ewy.. chcialam jej dac znac co sie dzialo.
Nie mialo to nic wspolnego z Toba.
ok to pa
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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