I fluffed it

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W "Slowko dnia" na tej stronce znalazlem : He fluffed his driving test twice.
"to fluff" tlumaczone jest jako "schrzanic".Mam pytanie zwlaszcza do native speakerow czy naprawde uzywa sie tego jako nieformalnego wyrazenia w takim lub podobnym znaczeniu -to fail to do sth.
ja oczywiscie nie jestem nativem, ale w moim slowniku Cambridge jest taki przyklad, i to dotyczacy zawalenia zdania prawa jazdy
"fluffed" has a few different meanings, but in a rather narrow context. I suspect it is used more frequently in BrE.:

-A mistake, especially in the recitation of lines in a drama/play
"he fluffed the last line of the act."

- make a mess of, destroy or ruin;
-failed to perform or accomplish (something) successfully or well(used esp. in a sporting or acting context)
[syn: botch, bodge, bumble, fumble, botch up, muff, blow, flub,
screw up, ball up, spoil, muck up, bungle,
fluff, bollix, bollix up, bollocks, bollocks up,
bobble, mishandle, louse up, foul up, mess up,
fuck up]
As judging by the examples of its usage, also ‘to lie/bluff’ or ‘cook the books.
just for you Sav...good for a laugh
urbandictionary has an interesting deinition for "fluffing"
Why just for me, by the way ? It would be wrong to discriminate aginast the others on such grounds.:)
Urban dic seems to be quite ‘narrowly’ oriented at sex and pleasure. Pity, I have so many questions. :)
"why just for you"?
cuz you're special sweets :)

I did my best to answer the question without digressing, but why fight my nature and wicked sense of humour?
"why just for you"?
cuz you're special sweets :)

I did my best to answer the question without digressing, but why fight my nature and wicked sense of humour?
Nah, not that special. But definitely not that one from the flock, breathing at the cross. :)
As for your other 'nature', deep down we're all 'savages'. :)
Dzieki zwłaszcza Siuniab for exhaustive answers.
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