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Witam. Natrafiłem na tą konstrukcę i nie za bardzo wiem jak ją przetłumaczyć. Szukając w WordWebie tłumaczenia słowka 'meal', znalazłem: 'the food served andprepared AT ONE TIME'. Proszę o pomoc:)
It simply means that you prepare the meal and then serve it right away as opposed to preparing it AHEAD OF TIME and then serving it.
Does it? I should think that AT ONE TIME means ON ONE OCCASION in this particular definition.
Otherwise, if you prepared sandwiches beforehand and then had your elevenses, you couldn't say it was a meal.
'at one time' oznacza również 'kiedyś'
OK - I'll bite - your last sentence makes sense from the logical standpoint (and therefore proves my interpretation of AT ONE TIME incorrect in this context). However, how does ON ONE OCCASION fit there? I mean - wouldn't it also fail your "sandwich" test?

I think that definition:

"meal = food prepared and consumed at one time / on one occasion"

is inaccurate.
Quite, especially as the order was reversed in the original (quoted) definition, which read "eaten (or was it 'consumed'?) and prepared"
But "food eaten at one time" would make perfect sense, wouldn't it?
myślę, że chodzi o nic innego jak 'jedzenie przygotowywane i podawane w tym samym czasie/ jednoczesnie'
>But "food eaten at one time" would make perfect sense, wouldn't it?

It sure would and I believe that it is the most succinct definition of the word "meal."
I think that "prepared" should not be there at all - otherwise a good portion of food consumed by people could not be classified as "meals" which obviously is not the case.
meal= posilek ( ma to do siebie ze jest serwowany o danym czasie)
zakatarzona, it's not about 'serving sth at a GIVEN TIME'
the truth is, the definition given by the Word Power is definitely not the best one. It implies that sth that was cooked beforehand and then served is not a meal.
Good point MG, the order is somehow reversed ... for unknown reasons & to no use :))

Besides, hasn't this conversation turned into making mountains out of mole-hills????
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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