1 zdanie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
pisze zdania, ktore nawet dla mnie sa niejasne:/, zatem...

Ultimately, I myself remember crying and fleeing from an extraterrestial monster, namely, the vacuum cleaner, which I cannot help wondering at now.

which w mym zamysle mialo odnosic sie do calej zaistnialej sytuacji, ale czy na pewno tak jest?
oraz, "...remember crying fleeing from..." chyba ujdzie (?), a czy moglbym napisac: "...remember fleeing crying from an extraterrestial... "?

dzieki z gory za pomoc.
hi there! so, the whole sentence is supposed to be like that :
" Ultimately, I remember crying and fleeing from an extraterrestial monster, named, the vacuum cleaner, which I cannot help wondering at now".
Hope I helped you!
take care!

>the vacuum cleaner, A REACTION which I cannot help wondering at now".

nie named, tylko nadal namely, ew. called, ale wtedy bez przecinków wokół
>the vacuum cleaner, A REACTION which I cannot help wondering at now".

To zmienia sens zdania. I bardziej zastanawiajacy jest chyba odkurzarz z kosmosu niz jakakolwiek reakcja na niego.

>Ultimately, I myself remember crying and fleeing from an
>extraterrestial monster, namely, the vacuum cleaner, which I cannot
>help wondering at now.

Ogolnie ok. Ja bym wyrzucil 'myself' i napisal 'cannot help but wonder' (moja pref. stylist. - nie masz tu bledu).

Wszystko ujdzie. Pierwsze zdanie kladzie nacisk na pamietanie i jednego i drugiego (uciekania i placzu)
I remember crying and fleeing - pamietasz i jedno i drugie
..remember crying fleeing from - pamietasz, ze plakales uciekajac
...remember fleeing crying from an - pamietasz, ze uciekales placzac (wstawilbym przecinki ..., crying, from.. )

Hostile alien hoovers and pickles bearing North-West... what's next? :)
>>the vacuum cleaner, A REACTION which I cannot help wondering at
>To zmienia sens zdania. I bardziej zastanawiajacy jest chyba odkurzarz
>z kosmosu niz jakakolwiek reakcja na niego.

Zmień swoją interpretację. Chodziło - zakładam się - o reakcję dziecka na odkurzacz, której teraz dorosły nie może się nadziwić.

"I cannot help wondering at the vacuum cleaner" makes little sense.

>..remember crying fleeing from - pamietasz, ze plakales uciekajac
>...remember fleeing crying from an - pamietasz, ze uciekales placzac

To po prostu nie brzmi ładnie.
Zmień swoją interpretację. Chodziło - zakładam się - o reakcję dziecka
>na odkurzacz,

Nie zakladam sie. Nie zalapalem zupelnie.
Let's see what you have put together so far.

1.Here "ultimately" is a so-called "sentence adverb"; usually the longer the sentence (with many subordinate clauses) it is claimed to modify, the more nondescript its role is. Put your "ultimately" closer to what you want to modify with it. If you are not really sure where "ultimately" belongs, dispose of it altogether.
2."I myself" means "I." Kill "myself."
3."I remember crying and fleeing from... implies that you remember doing two things: crying and fleeing, possibly in this order. "I remember crying fleeing from..." is a jarring way (a gerund and a present participle clumped together) of saying "I remember crying as I was fleeing from..." and makes the reader suspect that the crying was more disagreeable than fleeing.
4."an extraterrestrial monster" tells me there were other (extraterrestrial?) monsters in your house.
5.You don't need expendable "namely."

Now we have
"I remember crying and fleeing from the extraterrestrial monster, our vacuum cleaner, ..."
...and we have a problem.
You have attracted the reader's interest, and he wants to know what you were thinking then. Instead, you are trying to wind up the whole thing. Why? Explain what was going on in your mind, or describe the monstrous vacuum cleaner. Just a few words will do.
I'll let you on a secret: you have a problem pinpointing the antecedent of "which" because your brain subconsciously doesn't want the sentence to end this way. Adding a word here or there to keep grammar happy usually leads to nowhere. If you think you have an antecedent problem, redo the sentence.
lubie ten moment gdy dzielicie sie swoja wiedza ze spoleczenstwem, a jeszcze bardziej gdy dochodzi do konfliktu, w ktorym kazdy udowadnia swoja racje :)
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