blagam sprawdzcie mi to

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
na jutro musze napisac pewien tekscik. blagam jesli kto moze to nich se czytnie, sprawdzi , poprawi bledy. dziekuje za kazdy komentarz.

after lessons I attend some courses such as dancing, singing and english lessons. I have dancing lessons twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays and my cousin is my partner. I have English lessons twice a week as well and they are very exhausting... I sing on Wednesdays, but not as a rule, beacuse after everyday activities like lectures at school there is many homework to do...
Weekends is the only time during the week which is only for me. It is the time I can read a good book, meet my friends. Usually on Saturdays we go out to the disco or pub. On Sundays I am not the first thing in the morning... and what else have I to do? I cram of course.
That is how my ordinary week looks and now I think you are not surprised why I look forward to holidays. In the next letter I will tell you about my holiday plans. Say hello to your parents for me!!!

forever yours

to wszystko. nie piszcie tylko ze brak poczatku bo to tylko urywek listu. chcialabym tylko zebyscie sprawdzili bledy. prosze niepodawajcie jakichs skomplikowanych struktur, bo jestem ułomem jezykowym i nauczycielka nigdy nieuwierzy ze sama to napisalam. a napisalam (co prawda ze słownikiem:)
>english lessons. - English..
>, but not as a rule,- , but I often skip,
> many homework - a lot of homework
> is only for me - is just for me
> I am not the first thing in
the morning.. - I don't get up early

bo jestem ułomem

Are you sure?


Nauka języka


FCE - sesja zimowa 2004