Profil użytkownika engee30 - wpisy na forum

tutaj zapomnialas wybrac: >1. A. Are these your keys? > B. No, these are mine. >2. She's French and her husband is British. > Their children speak French and England. >3. A.…
Why don't you people use the fine expression, 'play on (real) money'? It's then obvious that it deals with gambling.…
> Nast >A:That's 17.95 altogether,please >B:Have you got ...... for a fifty-pound note? >d)change > >Nast Small children ...... to play with matches. It's very dange……
I was supposed to come here at 11. jest dobrze I was supposed to have cleaned up my room (but I didn't have the time).…
First of all, I wanna thank y'all for your help... In exceptional circumstances students may take examinations at Head Office. To (the best of) my knowledge, she's gone.…
has been taken apart - zostala zjechana (pot.)/bardzo zle oceniona/ostro skrytykowana…
sorry, znowu mamy rodzinna impreze tu; jakos sie zagubilem ;)…
matriculate (nie marticulate) to ukonczyc wyzsza uczelnie…
masz tutaj jedna z pelniejszych list czasownikow nieregularnych:…
troche informacji pominalem - ponizsze pytanie: Why I am so tired? You should know that by now. jest swego rodzaju wystapieniem ellipsis: A: Why are you so tired? B: (You're asking me) why …
pytanie zasadnicze: Why am I so tired? I haven't been working hard. pytanie niosace w sobie zdziwienie, niedowierzanie, etc. Why I am so tired? You should know that by now. pytanie wtraco…
tutaj link do PDF-u kilku stron tej mojej wersji ksiazki:…
ja mam edycje I, ty mozesz miec juz II:…
>1. Jason is still writing that report > Jason {hasn't} finished writing {that} report {yet}. >2. She moved to new York four years ago. > She [has {been} living] in New York for fo…
ja tak od siebie na koniec podaje linka do swietnych lekcji tylko i wylacznie o modalnych czasownikach i ich zastosowaniu:…
lepsza rymowanka to chyba lodowatosc kontra uprzejmowatosc, ale wtedy trzeba troche zmienic - na 'niceishness' :D…
no super, Artur Ja dodam cos z mojej ulubionej ksiazeczki dla studentow wyzszych i nauczycieli: Indicating likelihood [...] Assumption: 'will' and 'would' You use …
hmm, czy aby napewno uczysz sie od Nowego Roku? Moze ktos ci jednak pomogl po tym kieliszku, jaki wypilas za mnie? tak na marginesie - 2, 5 oraz 6 to byly pytania o podmiot - bez uzywania operatorow…
>Ćwiczonko: > >Rewrite the sentences, using will or would. > >As you have no doubt heard, he's getting married soon. >You haven't (by any chance) seen my gloves anywhe…
>Is it one of the Engee's resolutions for this year ? nie bylo zadnej rezolucji z mojej strony, a jedyna rezolucje jaka przyjmuje do wiadomosci jest rezolucja mojego monitora; chyba nikt z …
czekaj czekaj - z kazdej pary wybierz poprawne pytanie - pytanie 1.a jest inne od pytania 1.b (jedno z nich jest niedobre)!!!…
>-Hello! >-Hi! > -So you've found a flat? Where is it? >-{Well,} it is far from the {centre}. >- I see. And what is it like? >- My flat is very cozy. It has two {} rooms, a…
>Write the question for these answers. Niektore z pytan beda tzw. pytaniami o podmiot (wybierz poprawna wersje): > >1. Michael Jordan played for the Chicago Bulls. (What team?) >2.…
>Whoever came up with a definition like that must have been a poor >speller. That's what it loks to me: a poor speller's excuse. We both know that using a noun to modify another in…
>Hello my dear friend! > >I'm now {at} school and {I forgot to} tell {you} something - we must meet >after my school lessons. > >My lessons {finish} at 2 o'clock {in t…
>-al instead of -le, right? And a comma before 'suggesting', if I'm to >be nitpicking a bit. I'm afraid you got me wrong another time, nitpicker :) (okay, one of a few ni…
If that is the case, Gob won't have heard of one of the principle rules of hyphenation suggesting applying it to avoid ambiguity in such cases.…
w US English stosuje sie 'period', na ogol; w UK English raczej bez kropki jest tez zasada, iz skrocone slowa, ktore koncza sie ostatnia litera taka sama jak w pelnym slowie (Doctor = Dr, S…
>@engee30: doczytaj jednak to zdanie dokładnie (the tribe...) I am an absolute nitwit - I can't explain to myself why it should be alright to say like that, ullak. Could YOU?…