Hello everyone

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And ~merix~, what the hell were you attempting to say with your
>posts? Try and have your writing make sense. And if you're going to
>insult me (I'm not even sure why you are), use a fucking spellchecker.
>I've no idea what a "looser" might be, except for a comparitive

Sorry to say, but you're either too stupid or self-righteous to get the thing that Terri is a NATIVE into your head. I didn't mean to insult you. It was just an attepmt which proved my point. Don't get it wrong,but you're simply blowing people's top, so better vanish!

As for Terri, she's not a lass at your every beck and call. Better leave in peace or sth..your perfect English, as if, makes me sick!
You've done your damp squib job, you may leave now.

End of story.
Well... Sue me!
where do I know this from..
it starts from a particular topic, then people lose their thread somehow and it ends up in insults & stuff like that
can't you talk like civilized peoples?
Unfortunately, it's a typically human weakness - sooner or later things get personal, though I'm sure all those concerned have already forgotten this "discussion" anyway... Regards to all. ;-)
By the way, English Freak, I've just noticed that my reply was posted EXACTLY 24 hours after yours. Now that's freaky.... ;-)))
yep, rather freaky ;)

i had a similar situation when i sent my friend a SMS at a full minute (let's say 22:05:00) and got the answer also at the full one (let;s say 22:12:00)

funny :)
some more freaky stuff

and my Dad was trying to call me one day and I had 5 missed calls, of which 3 of them were a second before a full minute ...:59

There's just one problem with the majority of Poles.Please,don't feel insluted,though it can pull you apart.That is about a desperate,even burning need to prove their superiority to others when it comes to some linguistic matters.I myself cannot take it in(i'm a Pole too).It's obvious that you guys are quite skilled at the grammar and all that jazz but the way you communicate orally is just...well...to put it mildly...the way the Poles pronounce and talk is recognizable.There's no fluency in it but it's splendid that your speech in most cases is coherent.
it's splendid that your
>speech in most cases is coherent.

... which is more than can be said about your writing...

(sorry sweetheart, couldn't help it... ;-))
point out any grammatical mistakes you've found.it's logicaly,coherently and well-written.
logically(double 'l', obviously),sweetheart.
Your choice of words is strange at times,
the word order in the last sentence betrays you as non-native ("your speech in most cases is"),
"the grammar" sounds weird,
"some linguistic matters" - why "some"??? - seems out of place here, how about "certain"?
"all that jazz" - are you trying to sound "cool"? A fan of "Chicago" perhaps?

All in all, a stream of consciousness type of writing that only its author may call coherent and easy to follow. Therefore, please do not patronise your own kind, as none of us are perfect...
browse through some american idioms,right? 'All that jazz means-'and the like ' and if it comes to those 'weird expressions'...well...let it will be.
you appear not to know everything yet about the natural language.
good luck.btw.i'm not conceited.i'm sort of honest,you see.
Nitpicking. You asked for it.

'let it will be' is not correct English
'the' in 'the natural language' is redundant. I would also put 'yet' at the end of your sentence.
it is regarded as an incorrect form but it's being used by a great deal of natives.believe me or not.but...let it will beeeee.
>it is regarded as an incorrect form but it's being used by a great deal of natives

I'm not sure how popular it is, but I'll concede that one to you. Fair enough.
According to what you have just said, all these peculiar, weird expressions (I really do not know how they are called by native speakers of English language) such as wanna, gonna, woulda, shoulda, etc are completely correct just because of being used in everyday English. Would you please clarify the issue and give some explanations or examples and - of course - sources your knowledge is based on?

As for your posts, they are written in extremely incomprehensible, strange way what suggests that your English is not as perfect as it is said to be. Not only is it incorrect, but also difficult to understand and unnecessarily complicated.
let it will be?? - and natives speak like that? (Shame!!)
>As for your posts, they are written in extremely incomprehensible,
>strange way what suggests that your English is not as perfect as it is
>said to be.

You probably have no idea what the 'extremely incomprehensible, strange way' is. Btw, show me where he said his English was perfect.
+++point out any grammatical mistakes you've found.it's logicaly,coherently and well-written.


+++There's just one problem with the majority of Poles.Please,don't feel insluted,though it can pull you apart.

What can pull you apart?

+++That is about a desperate,even burning need to prove their superiority to others when it comes to some linguistic matters.

What is about a burning need to prove superiority? 'certain' would be a better word choice than 'some'.

+++I myself cannot take it in(i'm a Pole too).

Take what in?

+++It's obvious that you guys are quite skilled at the grammar and all that jazz

Which grammar? You've used the definite article incorrectly here as you are referring to nothing specific. You are talking about grammar in general, not specifically. If you'd said the grammar of the English language, that would have been correct.

+++ but the way you communicate orally is just...well...to put it mildly...the way the Poles pronounce and talk is recognizable.

Ellipses are used to indicate omitted or suppressed words, not to indicate pause. I believe commas is what you were after.

+++There's no fluency in it but it's splendid that your speech in most cases is coherent.

You need a comma after 'but', otherwise it means 'except for'. You need commas before and after 'in most cases'. A lot of Polish people I know consistently make mistakes, but they are fluent. In fact, a few of them can't shut up once they get going.

As an aside, your assumptions are pretty baseless. The amount of Poles I have met that have flawless English is pretty small, though it's only become a popular language (as far as I have been led to believe) after the fall of communism. That said, some of the teenagers I teach have better grammar than some of my English-speaking friends.

And for the record, in 28 years of speaking English, watching English films and television, having lived in Canada, having been to America and Ireland, and having friends from most countries which have English as a first language, not once have I heard 'let it will be'. Though, I suppose it's possible some people say it. just not very likely, in my opinion.

Commas 'are', sorry.
Googled it. "Let it will be" appears only as a title of a Madonna song (plus, a phrase used on this forum by... guess who? ;-))
I guess it might just be a new fad, using 'let it will be' like Madonna did. And since I'm not on the right side of the Baltic, I imagine people could be using this for fun, much like 'all your base are belong to us'.
Or is it perhaps that the "many natives" who use it (in "The World According To Un_chico17", chapter 12, page 16) all live in Siberia, with no access to the Internet??? The possibilities are endless.... ;-))
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