hello I'm new here:)

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1-30 z 80
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Hello I'm new here,I've just discovered this website and I'd like to join this forum to improve my language skills .So let's talk people!:)I'm a student of english ,the exams are closer and closer ,what makes me o bit nervous.What about you?
with exams- you either pass or fail. If you know your subject inside-out, sideways you pass.
If it was so simple I wouldn't be so anxious:( but You never know and can't be 100% sure.Terri are you also a student of english?
Trust me (I'm a woman and a blonde)- if you know your subject-you'll pass.
You didn't answer my qestion:)
-are you a student?
do you know any other forum similar to this one ?becouse not many people are here.tell me something about yourself-who are you?:)
What is the point of searching for any other forums- when this one is the best.
Hi. I'm also new here so I think I should say something about me but it's very late and as a matter of fact I'm about to go to bed so I'll try to make it short. I am not a student, I am professional, married man with two kids living in the UK. I've been learning English for about four years without attending any school or course which makes me proud of myself ;)

Talking about your text, I think you shoudn't use 'what' in the sentence: 'what makes me a bit nervous'. In my opinion you should use 'which' instead. What do you think?
a professional - sory for mistyping
'myself' instead of 'me' in 'should say something about me'. I'd better not check this text any more...:)
Where are you studying?
At home using the Internet and watching telly. At work talking to English-speaking colleagues...
to arturolczykowski -in the first version of my txt there was "which" instead of "what" and I'm still not sure-maby both are correct.What do You do for a living?where do you work?Do you enjoy staying in UK?
I'm sorry -ther's maybe not maby:)my fault
which/what...as far as I'm concerned, both can be used in the above sentence:)
martini 24 are you a student of english?I think you're right-both are correct(which/what)
I'm not a student of English any more. I graduated a few years ago.
Greetings from London:)
'which' seems the only viable option to me.
Your questions remind me of an interview I once had with 'W11'.
I just want to familiarise myself with the members of this forum that's why I'm asking questions.Is it better to ask or just aswer as you do?
I find your questions intrusive. Then maybe no one has ever dared to ask me this before - the ones that have get the stock answer.
What does 'familiarize myself' mean? Are the posts that people write here not sufficient for you to establish whether someone is familiar with English or not?
Your questions give the impression that you are only intereted in speaking to people who meet 'your particular criteria' - what does it matter whether a person is a student, teacher, professor, doctor, writer, etc., If you only judge people by the job that they currently do - that looks very shallow to me. I though you wanted to expand your English and not judge me by the job that I do.
Yoiu forget in different cultures, these sorts of
sorry - post got cut off-
You forget that in different cultures, these sorts of questions are only asked when you get to know someone - not as a 'greeting'.
Sorry terri I didn't mean to offend you and I don't judge people on the basis of their education.I just asked about this out of curiosity.I didn't intend to be pushy...I must admitt that I'm quite suprised becouse I don't perceive those questions as intrusive ,but it's your right to think that they were too personal......
familiarise myself=get acquainted
BECAUSE - with an 'A'
>I don't judge people on the basis of their education...(then why ask?)
Asking people what they do, what their job is - is, believe it or not quite hurtful, as many Polish people with very high qualifications are currently in jobs which do not match their educational standard.
I know (maybe just a tiny bit better than you) what 'familiarize myself' means, however, the only people that I want to be more than familiar with me are generally young, handsome, intelligent men with whom I get sloshed sometimes (as I will do in a few days time).
I'm a student of english ,the exams are closer and closer ,what makes me o bit nervous

martini 24 are you a student of english?I think you're right-both are correct(which/what)

Right, my students of English, let's talk about using of 'what/which' in this sentence ;)

First of all, I would write 'I'm a student of English. The exams are closer and closer, which makes me a bit nervous.'

The reason why I would write it this way is that we've got here something what more educated than me people call 'relative clause'. How does it work?

The exams are closer and closer. This makes me a bit nervous = The exams are closer and closer, which makes me a bit nervous

In this sentence, which = 'the fact that exams are closer and closer'. You can't use 'WHAT' in this type of sentences!

Anyway, I realy enjoy being here in the UK. I'm working as a Health Care Assistant in a Residential Care Home and as I said I'm not a student ;)
What's wrong with you people? Why are you so fussy? Why are you constantly pointing out mistakes????What's the point in doing this?I know that BECAUSE is spelled with A ,but that was the first thing terri wrote with emphasis.What for?-maybe to show who is better?I don't get it.That creates a bit unfriendly atmosphere, and doesn't encourage to write.Why can't we "talk" in a normal way?
...that "correcting" gives an impression as if you were only looking for mistakes...I'm not affraid to admitt that I'm still making mistakes, because I'm still learning and I was confused what should I use what/which
Yes, but this is a 'szlifuj swoj angielski' forum - where people help, assist, advise others about English language. And 'because' is frequently (at least once a day) misspelt. All criticisms are 'constructive' not 'personal'.
I don't have to show anybody who is better (my ego is ok - thank you very much) - in fact, if you bother to read some of my posts, you will soon find, that underneath it all, I am a really nice person.
If, as you say, you want to 'polish up your English' in order to pass your exams, then surely, it is better if mistakes are pointed out to you now and not later - but you know best.
maybe you're right ,but correting mistakes doesn't exclude a normal conversation,does it?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 80
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