Witam, mam problem.

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Witam wszystkich. Od razu przeproszę, bo nie wiem czy piszę w odpowiednim temacie, ale jestem tu nowy. Napisałem list do Realu Madryt i chciałbym, aby ktoś sprawdził zanim go wyślę. Uczę się angielskiego dopiero trzeci rok w gimnazjum i nie jestem pewien tego co napisałem :)

Ujście 14.05.09

Dear Friends !

My name is Karol Kaminski and I come from Poland. I’m 16 years old. I love football. My favourite club is Real Madrid. I like him since 2000, when Real won Champions League. That was fantastic match. I remember beautiful goals by Morientes, McManaman and Raul. I love this moment when Carlos kicked the ball into grandstand. Two years later I watched in TV Champions League final 20002. Madrid won 2-1 and Zidane scored incredible goal. I think, that is the best goal in Champions League history. Unfortunately that was the last win in Champions League by Real. I hope Real will win this trophy in next year.
My favourite players are Raul, Guti and Casillas. I like Beckham and Ronaldo (from Brazil) too. I hope that Guti will stay in Madrid for next seasons. I wish Real Madrid more success in future.
With greetings
Karol Kaminski.
masz problem, bo wolę FCB

My favourite club is Real Madrid. - jezeli naprawde piszesz do RM, to zacznij RM is my favourite...

I HAVE BEEN YOUR FAN since 2000, when Real won PRZEDIMEK Champions League. That was PRZEDIMEK fantastic match. I remember PRZEDIMEK beautiful goals by Morientes, McManaman and Raul. I loveD thE moment when Carlos kicked the ball into PRZEDIMEK grandstand. Two years later I watched ON TV THE 2002 Champions League final . Madrid won 2-1 and Zidane scored AN incredible goal. I think that PODMIOT WAS the best goal in Champions League history. Unfortunately that was the last win in Champions League by Real. I hope Real will win this trophy next year.
My favourite players are Raul, Guti and Casillas. I like Beckham and Ronaldo (THE BrazilIAN) too. I hope that Guti will stay in Madrid for THE next season. I wish Real Madrid more success in future.

Nie wpisalem wszystkich potrzebnych slow, bo nie do konca jestem pewien, ze to nie jest zadanie domowe. dlaczego nie prosisz o jakies plakaty, autografy? Powstawiaj przedimki i daj do sprawdzenia.
Dzięki za pomoc, zapewniam Cię, ze nie jest to zadanie domowe. Zapraszam na forum www.realmadrid.pl, dział "Królewscy", temat "List do Madrytu". Jesli chcesz mieć pewność :) Mój nick na tamtym forum to Paczi, więc możesz sprawdzić jak chcesz. O plakatach i autografach nie piszę dlatego, że dowiedziałem się od innych forumowiczów, że mimo ich próśb w listach i tak zawsze dostają to samo co wszyscy, nielicznym zdarza się dostać kartę z piłkarzem :) Mogłem skopiować wszystko z szablony, ale chciałem dodać coś od siebie. Oto poprawiony list, proszę o ocenę:

Dear Friends!

My name is Karol Kaminski and I come from Poland. I love football. Real Madrid is my favourite club.
I have been your fan since 2000, when Real won the Champions League. That was a fantastic match. I remember a beautiful goals by Morientes, McManaman and Raul. I loved the moment when Carlos kicked the ball into the grandstand. Two years later I watched on TV the 2002 Champions League final . Madrid won 2-1 and Zidane scored an incredible goal. I think that was the best goal in Champions League history. Unfortunately that was the last win in Champions League by Real. I hope Real will win this trophy next year.
My favourite players are Raul, Guti and Casillas. I like Beckham and Ronaldo (the Brazilian) too. I hope that Guti will stay in Madrid for the next season. I wish Real Madrid more success in future.
Na Twoim miejscu skoczyłabym na forum hiszpańskie i przetłumaczyłabym ten list na hiszpański-większe szanse powodzenia.
Powód? Hiszpanie dość słabo władają językami obcymi ;-)
Może stąd słaby odzew z ich strony na listy pisane po angielsku.
Dear Friends!
Dzięki bardzo za pomoc, teraz tylko wysłać list :) Jak coś dostanę to wkleję zdjęcie, dziękuję i pozdrawiam :)
"team" is a collective noun, can be either singular or plural depending on intent of writer. In this case, I would use the singular. "team is"

"For a group of individuals you can either use the singular if you want to emphasise the group (single entity), or the plural if you want to refer to all of the people (multiple entities) that make up the group".
They always say 'Liverpool are', 'Barcelona are' on TV...
well, I would certainly trust everything I hear on TV. :)
How would you construct/answer this sentence:

What is your favourite team?
What are your favourite teams?

How would you differentiate between specifying one team and many?
My favourite is..
My favourite are...
>They always say 'Liverpool are', 'Barcelona are' on TV...
it's because they're referring to the members of the football club, not to the club itself; it's not that the club is playing away this weekend; it's the footballers.
You can't say, Real Madrid are my favourite football club, for you are talking about what football club it is that you like best. My favourite football club IS Real Madrid.
>it's because they're referring to the members of the football club, not to the club itself; it's not that the club is playing away this weekend; it's the footballers.

And what about 'Liverpool are in the lead" "if Liverpool score', etc.?

>My favourite football club IS Real Madrid.

Note that when the subject is the word 'club', the verb has to be singular.
Both you and engee don't seem to notice that when you use the words 'team' or 'club', the verb has to agree with the subject as is customary in English, but when you use the name of a club as the subject, usage is different.
My favourite club is xyz
xyz are/is(?) my favourite team
when you use the words 'team' or 'club' AS THE SUBJECT
>And what about 'Liverpool are in the lead" "if Liverpool score',
it's the same thing, mg - it's the football players that score, not the club itself
and if they are top of the table, is it still the players? and if they win a tournament, it is players, right? Then you should say "Real Madrid is a club. Real Madrid have won the Spanish league title again." it gets you nowhere.
It seems that you are in reverse gear, thinking "if a club's name is followed by a plural verb, then the sentence is about the club's players". It's clearly a logical fallacy.
I know the difference between "the team is based in Basildon" and "the team are having dinner", but when the name of the club is the subject, the usage seems different still and plural verbs are used in certain contexts that require signular verbs following the word 'club' or 'team'.

I'm off to bed now, advance apologies for not replying to any more posts.
Real Madrid (as entity) is a football club. - here, you specify WHAT Real Madrid is
Real Madrid (as players) have won the Spanish league title again. - here, you specify WHO has the title
Ale uparty co?
Szkoda gadac.
Ale uparty co?
Szkoda gadac.
>Ale uparty co?
>Szkoda gadac.
he's alright, anyway
Pan MG znów zagiął wszystkich :) Szkoda, że tak szybko rezygnuje, no ale swoje wie.
Indeed, he knows his onion.:)
yes of course, "onions", sorry:)


Btw, who's waiting for the lost's finale tonight?
And who is playing ?
Lost is a TV series and finale means the last episode of a season. Google it :)
Didn't know.:)
Yeah, It's an American drama TV series. Where do you watch it ?
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