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Napisz opowiadanie zaczynające sie od słów: 'It was the first time Jane had been to....'.
It was the first time Jane had been to make such important decision on her own. This was a gorgeous morning , sun was shining brightly in the sky, but youn woman could not stop thinking about her problems. After her husband had left her and his little daughter a life did not save her any sorrows and pain. At that moment Jane faced financial troubles and what was sad she could not rely on nobody. Instead of fact that she was working everyday from dawn to sunset she could not afford on food and high rent of flat. She did not want to bring up her child in such conditions, Jane was sure that her daughter deserves for better life. One day the poverty made her give little girl to orphanage. She loved her so much but it seemed to be the best solution. 'If there were other way?' she was thinking all time. Next day young mother called to orphanage. After two hours all things her daughter were packed and she was ready to go. Girl did not know where she was going. Jane ordered her to play at playground located near building. The young woman got in and few children came into her view. 'They do not seem to be happy. I can not do it' and she ran away immediately from there. Jane took her child to home and found a strength to fight with adversities of fate. She realized that girl was the most precious person in her life.
czy moglby ktos rzucic okiem na to opowiadanie bede bardzo wdzieczna;]
A co sie stalo z 'the' - zapominasz tego uzywac.

It was the first time Jane had been ASKED to make such AN important decision on
her own. This was a gorgeous morning, THE sun was shining brightly in the
sky, but THE younG woman could not stop thinking about her problems. After
her husband had left her and his little daughter 'a' (niepotr) life did not save
her any sorrows and pain. At that moment Jane faced financial troubles
and what was REALLY sad IS THAT she could not rely on 'nobody' ANYBODY. 'Instead of' (zle pojecie- cos tu nie tak) fact that she was working everyday from dawn to 'sunset' DUSK she could not afford 'on' THE food and THE high rent 'of' ON HER flat. She did not want to bring up her child in
such conditions, Jane was sure that her daughter deserveD A 'for' (niepotr) better life. One day the poverty made her give UP THE little girl to AN orphanage.
If there 'were' WAS ONLY ANother way?' she was thinking all THE time. THE next day THE young mother called 'to' THE orphanage. After two hours all THE things OF her daughter were packed and she was ready to go. THE girl did not know where she was going.
Jane ordered her to play at THE playground located near THE building. The
young woman 'got in' (nie rozumiem tego) and A few children came into her view. Jane took her child 'to' (niepotr) home and found 'a' THE strength to fight with
THE adversities of fate. She realized that THE girl was the most precious
person in her life.
dziekuje!wiem własnie bo nie moge sobie z tym poradzic bo albo pisze zle albo wogole:(


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