Rozprawka : prośba o sprawdzenie

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Witam! Prosiłbym o przeczytanie i sprawdzenie mojej rozprawki :) Z góry dziękuję za każdą radę ;)
Temat: Wiele osób uważa , że przez rok od uzyskania prawa jazdy młody kierowca powinien jeździć w towarzystwie doświadczonego kierowcy .

More and more people are thinking , that drive a car should be permitted only in company experienced driver over one year from passed exam on driver license.
The moot question is whether this phenomenon has only positive sides or if it the following paragraphs.
Firstly, the proponents argue that this code is the best thing on quiet and security on roads . Secondly, experienced driver can teach young driver economical driving and show him as better driving on road. Lastly, after such course driving with experienced driver can give young driver better orientation on road.
On the other hand , the opponents argue that yound driver is already experienced driver and can normal driving on road.
Moreover , some people say that young drivers can better drive car than old drivers . What is more , young driver known better traffic regulations than people who passed exam at fifteen years ago.
Taking into consideration all the aforementioned arguments we can see more against than for , because me too I am young driver and I see that old drivers are more dangerous on roads than me .
edytowany przez Damian335: 29 kwi 2016
More and more people are thinking , PRZED THAT NIE STAWIA SIE PRZECINKA that drive PROWADZIĆ a car should be permitted only in company BRAK PEWNEGO SLOWA I PRZEDIMKA experienced driver over INNE SLOWO one year from passed ZLE NAPISZ 'PO ZDANIU DRIVING TEST' exam on driver license.
The moot question is whether this phenomenon has only positive sides or if it GUBISZ SIE the following paragraphs. ZDANIE Z MOOT QUESTION JEST TAKIE SOBIE. NIE UCZ SIE TEGO NA PAMIEC.
Firstly, the proponents argue that this code JAKI CODE? is the best thing on NIE ROZUMIEM quiet CISZA? NA DROGACH MA PANOWAC CISZA? and security on roads . Secondly, PRZEDIMEK experienced driver can teach PRZEDIMEK young driver economical driving and show him as ZLE SLOWO, NAPISZ 'JAK JEZDZIC LEPIEJ' better driving on road. Lastly, after such PRZEDIMEK course PO JAKIM KURSIE? driving with PRZEDIMEK experienced driver can give PRZEDIMEK young driver better orientation NIEJASNE on road.
On the other hand , the opponents argue that JUZ NIE BEDE POWTQRZAL, Z EBRAK PRZEDIMKA yound driver is already experienced driver and can PO CAN UZYWA SIE BEZOKOLICZNIKA, A PO BEZOKOLICZNIKU PRZYSLOWKA normal driving on road.
Moreover , some people say that young drivers can better drive PRZEDIMEK car TUTAJ NAPISZ 'LEPIEJ' than old drivers . What is more , young driver known =ZNANY better traffic regulations TUTAJ WSTAW LEPIEJ' than people who passed THEIR DRIVING TEST exam at USUN TO SLOWO fifteen years ago.
Taking into consideration all theSE aforementioned arguments we can see more BRAK SLOWA against than for , because me too I TAKZE am young driver and I see that old drivers are more dangerous on roads than me .
Dzięki za sprawdzenie :) Postaram się poprawić leci łapka w górę ;)


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