Proszę o sprawdzenie poprawności językowej poniższego tekstu i ewentualną korektę

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
"Wilhelm Richard Wagner was a German composer, theatre director and polemicist. He was born in Leipzig in the Jewish quarter. He was however an ethnic German. When he finished school, he had started enrolled on a university. He also took composition lessons with the Thomaskantor Theodor Weinlig.. During the revolution Wagner stayed at its side. After Uprising he emigrated to Zurych. He was accusing about chauvinist. He died on 1883."
he was however ' however ' to nie jest w dobrym miejscu ,had started enrolled? nie jest to zrozumiale, stayed at its side - znaczy co? he was accusing.. - tez nie jest to dobrze ;(
daj: np: he was/had been accussed of doing something ..itd


Pomoc językowa


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie