Opowiadanie - sprawdzenie.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam małe opowiadanko do sprawdzenia. Po setnym przestudiowaniu, nie mam pojecia czy są w nim jeszcze błędy a chciałabym żeby było ono perfekcyjne. (:
Z góry dziękuję za wyłapanie błędów.

I have known John since primary school. He has always had a casual attitude to life. He used to play a joke on everyone around and tease all girls in the class. He like playing truant and he never did his best. His behavior didn’t change to secondary school. Everyone except for him was preparing to school leaving exams. Then John sneered at us, that we wanted to join to ridiculous adult’s world. Shortly before exams he give up school and announced, that he never grow up.
We met again during a jubilee class meeting. Everybody had changed a lot. Instead of loose clothes and pimply faces I saw suits, dresses and already solemn expressions. Most of us achieved success. Doctors, lawyers, engineers, businessman and businesswomen, everybody with degrees and cluster of children.
When I took a place I saw a really handsome man on my left. After a while I realized, that it was John. It turned out, that he settled down and started a family. Unfortunately his wife couldn’t come, because she was traveling on business. His maturity made a big impression on us.
I think, that nothing would come out if John hadn’t drunk too much. ‘It was only joke,’ he said. ‘Did you really believe in my metamorphosis?’ he asked and fell asleep, because he had already drunk a tenth glass of vodka. Everything got back to normal. He will never grow up.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie