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Cytat: eva74
Cytat: engee30
By the way, I never do anything that is undeliberate - I always do and say what I really mean, pakk, haven't you noticed yet?

Unfortunately engee30, you're a guy. And when guys do that, they often tend to come across as pricks. I think it's something to do with a penis. Us gals, don't have that problem. We can be real bitches and the world respects us :)
I naucz sie cytowac.
Cytat: chequers
Nie ma czegoś takiego jak an orange juice. Kogoś krytykujesz a sam/a robisz byki

Sprawdź w źródłach, którym ufasz.
I nie znikaj z tego forum. Możesz się czegoś nauczyć.
Cytat: engee30
In time, you'll realize how my remarks can change the way you look at the surrounding world of yours

To think that your comments can change my or anybody's way, you must be an idiot. Besides, who on this forum made you an authority to decide "jakie poprawki sa dopuszczalne a jakie nie", you moron.
Cytat: fui_eu
Cytat: engee30
In time, you'll realize how my remarks can change the way you look at the surrounding world of yours

To think that your comments can change my or anybody's way, you must be an idiot. Besides, who on this forum made you an authority to decide "jakie poprawki sa dopuszczalne a jakie nie", you moron.

I know what alcohol does to people...but orange juice?????
Cytat: fui_eu
To think that your comments can change my or anybody's way, you must be an idiot. Besides, who on this forum made you an authority to decide "jakie poprawki sa dopuszczalne a jakie nie", you moron.

I myself made myself the authority to decide what is right and what is wrong on this forum. That's the difference between you and me, whether you like it or not.
Judging from the way you've started using abusive words, I can assure you that my words are beginng to have an impact on you, don't you think?
Cytat: engee30
I myself made myself the authority to decide what is right and what is wrong on this forum. That's the difference between you and me, whether you like it or not.

Własnie. TY i moze ok. dziesieciu innych ktorzy zagrzali sobie miejsce na tym forum na dłuzszą metę i z których większosc ma podobne do Twojego podejscie do słabszych w jezyku. Inni, probujacy pomóc zabawią tutaj dzien lub dwa na paru wątkach i spadają.
I po co uogólniać? Of the regulars, only Engee seems to be the stuck-up one at the moment.
engee is passive-agressive :)
I think that engee has delusions of grandeur.

I have observed that engee makes a special point of singling out people originating "po za krajem", whether they are natives or just "uppity" Poles purporting to have some knowledge. He seems to take great pleasure in discrediting those individuals in particular. This need to discredit probably stems from some deep, dark complex. Don't know, don't care (shrugging). One gets used to having a bulls-eye on one's back after a while. I wouldn't let it bother you too much fui. He does not speak for the forum. I respect engee's knowledge... too bad he lacks wisdom.
Cytat: pakk
I po co uogólniać? Of the regulars, only Engee seems to be the stuck-up one at the moment.

I meant no disrespect to those who're tolerant and understanding of others.
I don't know fui if that's enough. I think you should send flowers. Flowers do wonders! We'll be happy to send you our addresses :)
Was fui lumping us in the same camp as engee???
This calls for flowers AND chocolates.
And maybe a picture as well (need proof he really is a man)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
31-43 z 43
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