artykuł nt wody. z góry dzięki. ;)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Water - life-giving source, more valuable than biggest treasure. In Third World countries for every drop people are grateful but we don't have any problems to get it.

We should drink water every day in bulks. Women c 2 - 2.5 l, but men c 3 - 3.5 l. This way we are cleansing our organism of toxins.
It is very important in our metabolism. Rinsing toxins out from the organism is also a basic and fundamental part of every diet.
Because thanks to that it is easier to replace harmful products of the transformation, with vitamins and mineral salts.

Not every water is good for us. We distinguish a few kinds of water:
- highly - decomposed: mineralization above 1500 mg/l;
- middle - decomposed: mineralization 5[tel]mg/l;
- table: spring waters concentrated by magnesium and calcium;
- spring: about the mineralization below 500 mg/l;
- healing: containing over the 4000 mg/l of mineral elements.

Taking into consideration general needs of the society and illness which most often affect us, we should choose water with large calcium and magnesium content - elements which are often missing in our diet.
Waters contain mineral ingredients in the electrovalent form which is through our organism easily assimilable.

Do you know that water with a lemon and mint additionally is cleaning the organism assisting?


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