Sentences to check

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I'm on the sports camp holiday with my best friends.
(Jestm na wakacyjnym obozie sportowym z moimi najlepszymi przyjaciółmi.)
I have been taking a part in this camp because I would like to belive something amazing and getting a new experience.
(Biorę udział w obozie ponieważ chcę przeżyć coś niesamoitego i zdobyć nowe dośw.)
For the moment I have been taking the part in all courses, that was swimm, basketball and paintball.
(Do chwili obecnej brałem udział we wszystkoch zajęciach, to było pływanie, koszykówka i paintball.)
Yesterday we was informed that in saturday we will host a famous star of basketball but I don't know who is it.
(Wczoraj zostaliśmy poinfrmowani że w sobotę będziemy gościć sławną gwiazdę koszykówki ale nie wiem kim ona jest.)

Thanks for any help :)
I'm on 'the' A sports camp holiday with my best friends.
I 'have been taking' (ale to nie znaczy 'biore udzial'-to jest czas teraz, a to co napisales po ang nie jest) 'a' (niepotr) part in this camp because I would like to 'belive' (blad ortog) (ale to jest i tak zle slowo, 'to znaczy 'wierzyc' a nie 'przezyc' - malenka roznica) something amazing and 'getting' GET a new experience.
'For the moment' (to jest zle, lepiej 'up to now') I have been taking 'the' (po co to 'the' tutaj?) part in all 'courses' (nie za bardzo trafne slowo, lepiej ' activities'), that 'was' IS 'swimm' (a gdzie reszta slowa?), basketball and paintball.
Yesterday 'we was' (prosze przeczytac to jeszcze raz, to 'we was' i zastanowic sie nad tym) informed that 'in' ON 'saturday' (duze litery) we will host a famous star of basketball but I don't know who 'is it' IT IS.(ale lepiej...who it might be)

I'm on a sports camp holiday with my best friends.
I'm taking part in this camp because I would like to survive something amazing and get a new experience.
Up to now I have been taking part in all activities that is swimming, basketball and paintball.
Yesterday we were informed that on Saturday we will host a famous star of basketball but I don't know who it might be.

Czy teraz okey?
Pozwól, ze pomoge:)
I take part in this camp....
"survive" znaczy przeżyć coś ale w sensie jakas katastrofe, wyapdek tego typu rzeczy
a przeżyć sth amazing to experience sth amazing i dalej and gain/learn new abilities na przykład.
i have taken part in all activities THESE WERE i tu wymieniasz
yesterday we were informed that on saturday we WOULD ( czas przyszly w przeszlosci).BE Hosting (future cont.)To tak z grubsza:)


I'm on a sports camp holiday with my best friends.
I take part in this camp because I would like to expierience sth amazing and gain a new abilities.
Up to now I have taken part in all activities these were swimming, basketball and paintball.
Yesterday we were informed that on Saturday we would br hosting a famous star of basketball but I don't know who it might be.

Czy teraz jest wszystko okey?
'Will' in the last sentence doesn't have to be backshifted to 'would', neither continuous is that obligatory but necessary in the second one. You can use 'play host to..'
I AM ENJOYING MY HOLIDAY TIME ATTENDING a sports camp with my best friends.
I AM takING part in this camp because I would like to experience something amazing and gain new abilities.
SO FAR, I have ATTENDED all activities, WHICH WERE swimming, basketball and paintball.
Yesterday, we were informed that on Saturday we WOULD HOST a famous BASKETBALL star, but I don't know EXACTLY WHOM.
Cytat: savagerhino
'Will' in the last sentence doesn't have to be backshifted to 'would', neither continuous is that obligatory but necessary in the second one. You can use 'play host to..'

why 'will' in that sentence doesn't need to be transformed to 'would' ?
The time reference of the statement in the reported piece still applies at the time of the original utterance, right ? The shift is optional.

Even if it is related to such a long time as a few days?

In the sentence 'If I had known I will would be a millionaire in 2021, I wouldn't have agreed to his offer. But today is 2020 and I still don't know if I should regert my former decision.' I heard that will cannot be used as it expresses only hypothesis, not a fact, but IMO the statement refers to the future so the hypothesis can easily turn into the fact in a time being.

So is that right or not?
edytowany przez darkdogg: 05 wrz 2011
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