Pilniee, Poprawcie błędy.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Sorry I haven't written sooner, but I have been really busy. I spent a whole month on vacation in London. This is a very nice and beautiful place to relax. I met a wonderful boy, where I fell in love. His name is Emil, and is three years older.
My parents bought me a dog for my birthday. I was delighted with him. He was so tiny and beautiful. Bruder's name. I go with him on walks. But now I often annoy me! I chewed my favorite shoes. ah! But still I love him.
Say what you're doing? How do your parents feel? When you visit us? I no longer have to finish a letter because I pack up and leaving for two weeks with her sister over the sea. Write to me what with you because I am very interesing.
Różnią się teksty, a błędy w tym??
jest gorzej
czemu zjadłaś swoje buty?
Pomóżcie poprawić błędy
I often annoy me = często siebie denerwuję.
To powinnaś poprawic sama, bo przecież na pewno nie to chciałaś napisać. Translator?
Kilka innych błędów poprawiła Ci Terri.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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